°°Chapter 2:Hanging out°°

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-Kokichi's pov-

I woke up on a bed, huh I must of fallen asleep on Saihara. I look around the room I was in and wow I saw a lot of Danganronpa merch, this dude is really obsessed with the show I mean it's cool and I like it but still he has an obsession, it's kinda cute not gonna lie- wait what? Cute? No no, I'm gay but no I can't have a crush on him we met yesterday! It must just be looks tho because for all I know he could be the worst person on earth! But hey where is this guy anyways? I walk out of the room and I smell some food I instantly walk to the smell and I see some guy he kinda looks like Saihara but less emo and older. (Omg ' it's over isn't over' from Steven universe started playing I'm crying help)

"Oh you must be the boy that Shuichi told me about, Ouma isn't it?" He said with a smile on his face.

"Yes that's m-me and are you his father?"

"No I'm his uncle but I do take the role of hi-" he was interupret by someone.

"Okay that enough talking are you done with the food uncle Seishirou!" Saihara kind of yelled a little mad at his uncle, hm interesting so his parents are absent. Saihara started to talk to me.

"Morning Ouma-kun do you want breakfast?" He asked with a smile.

"Y-yeah I'd l-like some breakfast" I said with a soft smile looking up to him, why dose he have to be so tall >:(.

"Oh alright! I'll show you to the dining room, follow me!" He said and I did as told. When we get to the dining room he pulls out a chair and gesturing that I sit there, so I do just that. He sits on the chair next to mine.

"So how did you sleep?" He asked.

"Good, and y-you?"I say fake stuttering.

"Good. My uncle should be done with the food by now I'll go get it for us, be right back!" And he leaves me here I guess I have no option but to wait.

-Saihara's pov-

I walk in the kitchen and as I suspected my uncle was done with the food.

"Oh I'll take the plates for you uncle Seishirou!"

"Alright shuichi, I already ate breakfast so I'll be of to work." He said with a sweet smile.

"Okay have a nice day uncle Seishirou" I call out. I then bring the plates to the dining room where I see Ouma-kun watching his phone, I wonder what he's doing. I sit next to him and he looks at me with his beautiful purple eyes but I see a little annoyed look for a split second, probably is nothing.

"So wanna watch Danganronpa after getting ready for today?"

"Um s-sure but I have no e-extra clothes" He says.

"No worries I can lend you some clothing for now!" I see how he starts to blush I honestly find it cute, wait cute? We haven't known each other for that long, is it ok for me to think he's cute??? I push all those thoughts out of my head, well kind of their still there but I'm just ignoring them.

-Kokichi's pov-
Why am I blushing, for atua's sake please tell me he didn't notice. After eating breakfast we go to his room and watched Danganronpa and it was actually kind of fun although i would never admit it. I like spending time with this emo.

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