°°Chapter 3:True colors°°

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So this is a time skip two months later of kokichi and shuichi's friendship because i can't think of anything else.

Kokichi pov-

It's been two months since i meet Shuichi and it's been nice to say the least but i haven't shown him the real me because I don't know how he will react when he figures out that I'm not a 'shy UwU' boy and i kinda regret making this mask to hidden behind because i can tell that people try to take advantage of me, i should know that because a lot of people have tried by trying to trick me to make their homework by asking if i can 'help' them because they are to lazy to do it but some just tell me that I have to do it for them they've also gotten a little violent but I just defend  myself if they try to get phisical with me and that's basically the only reason why people talk to me really. It sucks a little when you are one of the smart kids but hey this is my life and it sucks with this 'naive soft UwU' boy personality that i made up and it's hard to change it. (A/n i honestly relate to that...ANYWAYS back to this cringe story) I arrived at school and did the usual, talk to Shuichi, take notes during classes and etc. I heard the bell ring meaning that history was over better yet school was done for today but I noticed that a guy in my class was staring at me while I was leaving the classroom, I instantly got a bad feeling about this. He then started following me out the front doors Wich wasn't that bad since everyone was leaving through the same door, but he was getting closer to me and before I knew it he had cornered me in an ally way.

Shuichi pov-

'I wonder where Kokichi is he left quite quickly, oh wait there he is.' I noticed Kokichi walking through an ally way with a guy in our history class. I start walking a little faster to catch up with them and then I hear them talking.

"Why d-did you follow m-me here"

"I heard you were smart and I have homework that I need done by next week, so you are going to do it." I froze. What the FUCK am I witnessing. Should I step in? Should I call someone? Then I heard Kokichi talk.


"What did you say, nerd?"

"I said no." The guy seemed mad and I noticed that he was going to hit Kokichi. Holy shit, I really gotta step in-

My thoughts were interupted by something being slammed on the ground and to my surprise it wasn't Kokichi, it was the other guy, then I heard Kokichi yell at this guy.

"I SAID NO, DAMNIT. CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND BASIC WORDS LIKE THAT?! GOD WHY ARE YOU SO DUMB!!" He sounded so different. The guy started running away once he regained some strength and that's when he noticed me.

"Shuichi?- It's not what it looks like I swear!-" He tried to say more but he was interpreted my me laughing at what I had just seen.

"HAHAHA THAT WAS AMAZING! When did you learn to do that?! His face was absolutely priceless! Hahaha" I kept laughing while he looked at me dumbfounded till he started laughing with me. Once we stopped dying of laughter I asked him.

"So was that 'soft boy that can't defend himself' a fake persona that you made or something?"

"Yeah, I did. People in my old school didn't like me much for being either brutally honest or a lier according to them making me a victim of bullying." He explained his face looking a little more upset as he told me this, I of course felt bad about this and suggested that we would go to a cafe near by which he agreed to.

*Time skip*

After a while of talking and actually getting to know how the real Kokichi is, tbh he wasn't that different from the persona he showed the only difference was that he didn't stutter and wasn't afraid to speak mind. He was so confident and the way he spoke made it seem that he could make any topic sound interesting to hear. I didn't realize how late it was till a worker in the cafe came up to us.

"Excuse me gentlemen but this cafe is closing in 10 minutes you can leave everything here I'll clean it up" he said in a cheerful tone, I then looked at the time and realized it was 8pm. Wow have we been in this cafe for that long? I then looked at the worker and thanked him for telling us and so did Kokichi and we both left the cafe. We eventually had to go our own ways to go home.

Sorry for not updating for 5 months I've been busy with family issues and school and lack of motivation to do a lot but I have been writing this chapter every month at least a little till I decided to finnish it today.

I hope everyone liked it even if I cringe at most of this. I'd love to hear your opinions on this chapter and what you would like to see next! I also wanna know if you guys wanna have a few chapters that are longer than this?  Since this was about 850 words. Well I hope you all have a nice day my lovely creeps❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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