Goodbye Drbbie

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In her bedroom, Debbie was trying on a black veil, and admiring herself in the mirror.

"Thank you it was a senseless tragedy."

Debbie had placed the gift-wrapped bomb on the bed.

Debbie checked the clock on the wall, it was 5:30.

With a grin she set the digital read-out on the bomb for 6:30 then she placed the bow ticking bomb into a lavish gift box, and put on the lid while calling out for fester.



I'm the kitchen Fester was wearing oven mitts and an apron, both covered with hearts, He was busily preparing an anniversary dinner.

Debbie stepped into the kitchen, carrying the gift box containing the bomb, very dressed up.

"Angel, I'm going out for just a minute. I forgot the champagne."

"Our three week anniversary, I'll go!" Fester began taking off his apron.

"No, no you're working hard enough. I'm going to leave your present on the table don't peek." Debbie placed the wrapped bomb carefully on the table.

like a child fester bounded excitedly over.

"Oh, please, please, what is it? Is it... string?"

"You never know," Debbie spoke sarcastically.

"Is it... a dog toy?"

"Just you wait."

"Is it a bomb?"

"What!" Unbelievable.

"I know, wait for my birthday."

"Do you have my list?"

Fester held up a piece of paper Debbie had given him.

"Right here!" Fester began reading it "Cook dinner. Seal all doors and windows. Turn on all the gas jets. Wait for Debbie, Check!"

"Oh, Fester let me just look at you. I always want to remember you just this way." Debbie looked at her hopefully soon to be dead ex-husband.

"What do you mean?" Fester asked curiously.

Tenderly Debbie caressed festers faces.

"Will you miss me?"

"But you'll be right back.....Won't you?" Surly Debbie couldn't leave him... Could she?

Debbie picked up several suitcases.

"Of course!"

Fester breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ran back to the kitchen in glee, eager to make sure everything was perfect for his 'loving' wife.

Thing could only look from outside.


Back at camp, The Thanksgiving pageant continued.

A long wooden table had been set up across the stage, topped with a papier-mache feast.

Amanda, dressed as Sarah Miller, stood centre stage while a group of Amanda's friends sat at the table and stage left, all dressed as Pilgrims

"I am so glad we have invited the Chippewas to join us for this holiday meal. Remember, these savages are our guests. We must not be surprised. any of their strange customs."

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