Chapter 2 A Family Visit

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Chapter 2

A Family Visit

As I headed downstairs for dinner, I tried to think of a way to persuade Mum to let me return to Hogwarts. I knew it would be no simple matter. The only person in my life who was more overprotected than my Aunt Becky was my mother.

I sat down at my usual place at the table across from Mum. Dad sat at the head. The first few minutes were spent in silence as I used my fork to twirl my spaghetti. Not much made it to my mouth though.

Mum looked up and noted my reaction. “Mel, are you feeling okay?”

I peered up at her and took in a breath before saying, “Mum, I think I want to go back to Hogwarts next year.”

Mum briefly glanced at Dad, who shot her an ‘I told you’ look, and the back to me before shaking her head.

“Out of the question,” she stated, firmly.

“Why not?” I demanded.

She snorted. “Do I really have to explain my reason, Melanie? You were almost killed last year.”

I turned to my father with pleading eyes. “Dad, please. The monster from last year is dead. I don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

Dad nodded and turned back to Mum. “She does have a point, Liv. Besides, didn’t you say the Dursley’s little nephew killed the beast? It couldn’t have been that bad. He’s only a little boy.”

Dad’s logic on the situation was quite ironic. The monster was indeed terrifying, and Harry Potter was no ordinary little boy. However, if Dad’s ignorance on the magical world would help my case, I would use it.

“He’s right, Mum,” I said with a shrug. “The actual monster was blown out of proportion. People exaggerate sometimes. It wasn’t really that bad.”

Mum looked at me. I could tell she could easily see right through my lie.

“I don’t think your aunt was exaggerating at all, Melanie,” she said, folding her hands. “She told me that monster did kill someone from its last visit.”

“Like I said, it’s dead now,” I insisted.

“Well, there could be something else out there, we don’t know about,” Mum pointed out. “There were always crazy ones there that will come after people like you with non-magical parents. Before you were born there was a war on that.”

“So what am I supposed to do?” I demanded in annoyance. “Hide because something might come after me? That’s not fair! I was born magical, and I deserve the chance to learn how to practice magic!”

Mum sighed. “Well, I suppose the last couple years you at least had a good cover by using your uncle’s last name.” She then looked right into my eyes and asked, “Is there a possible way to use a charm or something to get people to see you as having an all magical family again?”

I gawked at my mother in utter shock.

“What? No!” I stammered, growing more frustrated by each moment. “That’s not how magic works. And even if there was some sort of charm like that, I wouldn’t use it. I won’t go through another year pretending to be something I’m not!”

“You will if it means you’ll be safe!” Mum argued, slamming her hand on the table. “If not, then you are just not going back to that school!”

I stood up, now shouting, “You can’t force me to stay here!” I began to storm out of the kitchen. “I’m going to write Aunt Becky! She’ll come get me out of here!”

Melanie Rosen: Year 3 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now