Chapter 25 New Secret

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Chapter 25

New Secret

    I did not have the chance to go after Pettigrew since Lupin had transformed into his full wolf being. To make matters worse, the dementors felt Sirius Black’s presence and moved in. I felt the chill of their arrival.

    “We need to get help!” Hermione cried out.

    Sirius Black then rushed over to my aunt and said, “Rebecca, you can get to Dumbledore faster and any of us.”

    Aunt Becky shook her head. “No, I can’t leave Melanie here, or any of them.”

    “It’s our best chance,” Black persisted. “You have to trust I won’t let anything happen to them.”

    As Aunt Becky nodded, I asked her, “What does he mean? How can you get to Dumbledore faster?”

    “I’m an animagus too,” Aunt Becky answered, simply. “I haven’t done it in years though.” She placed both hands on my shoulders and added, “Stay together, okay? I promise I’ll be back with Dumbledore as soon as I can.”

    Once she transformed, I could see why my aunt would be able to reach Dumbledore the faster. As a swan, Aunt Becky could fly straight up to his window in which she did.

    Unfortunately, Lupin made it a bit difficult for us to honor Aunt Becky’s wishes. Sirius tried to distract the werewolf to keep him away from us. Harry started towards them to help, but at that moment, Snape woke up and snatched his shoulder.

    “What do you think you’re doing, Potter?” Snape demanded.

    Lupin thrashed Sirius out of the way and moved towards Snape and Harry. Professor Snape threw Harry behind him and stepped in front of Ron and Hermione. I took another towards where Sirius had been tossed.

    “Rosen!” Snape snarled at me. “Get over here, now.”

    Lupin did not seem interested in the unconscious Sirius. I stepped towards Snape, who had his wand pointed directly at our wolf teacher. Sirius woke up and used his opportunity to distract Lupin causing the werewolf to chase after him.

    I looked back and saw Snape, still blocking Harry so I ran after Lupin and Sirius.

    “Rosen, get back here!” Snape demanded, but I ignored him.

    I trotted down the hill closer to the lake and found Sirius Black had fallen close to the water. The dementors began to crowd in. There appeared to be dozens of them.

    “Sirius?” I called out softly, my breaths growing heavy. I got no response.

    I pulled out my wand but then dreadfully realized I did not know any spells to fight off dementors.

    “Expecto Patronum!” Harry shouted, running up behind me. “Think of something happy and use that spell against the dementors!”

    I looked up at the sky. Happy thoughts seemed rather impossible now. Still, I gave it my best. I thought of when I first found out I was a witch, how excited I felt and attempted the spell. Nothing. The dementors flew in closer. I thought of when I first arrived at Hogwarts. I was sorted into Slytherin that year spent all of it burdened with my secret so nothing came from my wand. I then thought of when I was resorted into Gryffindor, I made new friends, but I was still not sure of what they thought of me now considering who my real family was.

    Andre! My mother’s cries started and continued on in my head.

    I could feel my frustration build each time I uttered ‘expecto patronum’ and nothing happened. I continued to think of friends. I thought of when I first met Draco, but now thoughts of him brought more fury than happiness. My mind then moved to Lenora, the first person I met I seemed to actually have a lot in common with, the first I really connected with since I came here. I managed a spark from my wand.

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