Chapter 11 Crazy

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Chapter 11


 “Does it hurt terribly, Draco?” Pansy asked in Potions class a few days later.

Draco dramatically gazed down at his bandaged arm and sighed. “Yeah, not as much now. Thankfully Madame Pomfrey mended it on time. I could’ve lost my arm.”

I rolled my eyes, and opened my Potions book on my desk. Seriously, how long is Draco going to milk this?

Lenora walked up behind Pansy and commented, “You know, Pansy, if you like, I can break your right arm. Then you two can match and be in pain together. Wouldn’t that be sweet?”

Pansy huffed and glared at her. “You shouldn’t make jokes, Lenora. This is serious! Draco could have died, and it would have been because of that monster our own teacher has!”

“Oh please,” Lenora said, rolling her eyes. “My grandma could take that kind of hit and get up fine.”

I put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.

 “It doesn’t matter,” Draco replied, glancing at Crabbe and Goyle. “That creature will pay. My father is a school governor. That’s what this school gets for letting that oaf teach.”

 I turned my head in his direction and asked, “What do you mean, the creature will pay, Draco? What are you planning?”

He turned his head to me and shot, “You don’t get to know, Melanie. You’re not one of us anymore.”

 As Pansy smirked at me, I turned back around, and grumbled, “Whatever.” I then looked over to Harry and his friends and wondered if they heard any of what Draco might be planning. They did not appear to be listening. Perhaps I should tell them.

“Settle down,” Snape said calmly, briefly eying Draco and his friends.

Once class began, we moved to the tables to make our Shrinking Solutions, which was today’s assignment. I went to the table with Harry and Ron, which was unfortunately, joined by Draco. He whined to Snape about his arm so our professor made Harry and Ron assist him. That explained why he sat here.

“So, have you seen your pal, Hagrid, lately?” Draco, asked, shooting a smirk at Harry’s direction as he watched his daisy roots being trimmed.

“None of your business,” Ron gritted with a glare.

 I sat quietly, trimming my own roots.

“You know, my father isn’t happy about what happened to me,” Draco went on. “He’s already complained to the other school governors. Pretty soon, Hagrid will be packing his bags, unless they still let him live here.”

“So that’s your plan,” I said in realization. “That’s why you’re milking this injury thing. To get Hagrid fired. Just let it go, Draco. The school won’t fire him because you can’t follow directions.”

“You forget the influence my father has amongst the school governors, Melanie,” Draco retorted.

“My aunt recently became a school governor and I know she won’t listen to him,” I shot back.

 “She’s just one person,” Draco said with a shrug. “Besides, I know she cares about the children here and your safety, especially. Perhaps she’ll side with Father.”

 Both Harry and Ron glanced at me, nervously. I shook my head and firmly stated, “She won’t take his side because I plan to write to her this week and tell her what really happened.”

While Hermione helped Neville, who was struggling desperately to get the potion right, Seamus found an article on Sirius Black.

“He’s been sighted!” Seamus said both excitedly and fearfully. “Black’s not far! It says a muggle woman spotted him. She didn’t know what she saw, of course. I don’t know what muggles really think of Sirius Black.”

Melanie Rosen: Year 3 (A Harry Potter Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن