Chapter 15 Unexpected Visit

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Chapter 15

Unexpected Visit

I had to put my Andre investigation on hold for a bit as finding out whether someone here was aiding Sirius Black was indeed far more urgent. Besides, there is really not much more I can do as far as Andre goes besides try to get it out of my aunt. I had no last name to go by since Madame Saunders told me she and him had different fathers. I had already tried to investigate an Andre Saunders but had no luck.

On the way to Potions class, I talked to Harry, Ron and Hermione about the conversation I heard between Dumbledore and Snape that night. It turns out they heard it too.

“So you think Snape’s right?” Ron asked. “Someone here is helping Black? Who could that be?”

“Well, the only two people I know for sure that were once friends with Black are Madame Saunders and…” I paused knowing this will not be a popular theory as this person was well-liked, “Professor Lupin.”

The three of them gawked at me.

“Lupin?” Harry finally asked. “There’s no way he would do that.”

I sighed. “I’m not saying its him. I’m just saying we have to consider the possibility. Personally, I think it’s more likely that it’s Madame Saunders.”

“Why do you say that?” Hermione asked.

I took in a breath, running my fingers through my hair before continuing with, “Well, I overheard them twice talking about how they both were once friends with Black and the second time, I found out she was once in love with him. I mean, those kinds of feeling don’t just disappear,” as the three of them shot me odd looks, I added, “I would imagine.”

"So wait a minute," Ron interjected, holding his hand up. "You think Madame Saunders might be helping Black because she's in love with him?"

"Well… maybe," I replied, knowing this sounded a bit far-fetched. "It would be nice to talk to someone who knew them back then so we can know just how close Saunders and Black were."

Harry then added, "Lupin would probably know. I could ask him."

I nodded but said, "There's still a chance he could be the one helping Black. We should probably find someone else too."

"Didn't you say Professor Snape was the one that suggested Sirius Black might be getting inside help in the first place?" Hermione reminded me.

"That's right!" I recalled. "He was a student once. Maybe he might have a better idea of who may assist Black!”

“He’d probably say it was Lupin just to get him fired so he can get his job,” Ron pointed out.

“Maybe,” I admitted, “but we have to try and figure out something, for Harry’s sake, right?”

Harry offered a brief smile while the other two just gaped at me.

“What?” I asked.

Ron scratched his head and answered, “It’s just weird that you’re trying to help us when just last year, we thought you might have opened the Chamber of Secrets.”

I sighed, not all that surprised the trio expected me to be the heir last year. I then muttered, “Yeah, I guess things change.” 


After lunch, I walked down the hall alone, heading towards the Gryffindor common room to get my things for my next class. As I walked, I spotted Professor Snape walking in my direction.

“Professor,” I called out, rushing over to him.

“Not now, Rosen,” he said, brushing past me.

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