Its fine s/o I promise...|Shuichi x trypanophobic!freader|

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Y/n's POV:

I was trying to hide form my boyfriend, well you may be wondering why would you hide form your boyfriend well, he's trying to get me out of the house to get a shot, not the alcohol one but needle shot.

Before you say 'but why would you hide then?' Well because my good old friend I am terrified of needles that's why "Y/N PLEASE COME OUT WERE GONNA BE LATE" shuichui yelled "no!" I yelled and felt him grab me "please and afterwards I'll buy you anything you want dear.." he said and look towards with the verge of tears "as much ill love that no.." he had stand up and called someone and I continue to see someone kick the door open to see kaito "heyy" he said an pick me up "hey I know your afraid but please y/n shuich will be there for you.." I had a few Tears and nodded.

*some time later*
Y/n's pov;

I was holding on to shuichis hands a little scared and flet shuichi kissed my cheek and giggle bit "thanks love"I heard the doctor come in "hi Mrs. (y/n) I'm gonna be your doctor for today!" She smiled brightly
And I nodded, and she gave me a wired look but shurgged and I stayed quite and saw her pulled a needle out and got scared a little and I could tell she knew and smiled "don't worry it hurt a for a second don't worry!" I nodded and squeeze his hand, I flet a small pain and it was gone right away and I sigh in relief "y-you did great love!" Shuichi praise me a bit and kissed my cheek and I giggle "I love you shuichi" I kissed him and pulled away "I love you too y/n"

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