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Genevieve and Matilda only had a few number of friends, which consisted of their neighbors and a couple of shop owners. They didn't have much of an extended family either. But today at Matilda's funeral, rows and rows of people dressed in black hung their heads low in the grief of losing such a wonderful person.

King Yaser and Queen Trisha arranged the funeral ceremony. Present and past staff members of the castle were notified about Matilda's death and with a heavy heart, they attended. Once their majesties had heard the news, they too were shocked and instantly began to mourn. Genevieve, who was still shaken up from the turn of events, hadn't stopped crying and was still emotionally unstable. Seeing her state and saddened to lose a great friend, the king and queen took the responsibility to organize the ceremony.

Zayn and Madeline stayed close to Genevieve, who quietly sobbed to herself as she stole a glance once in a while to look at her mother's corpse that lay only a few feet away from her. The prince was too in grief for losing a person who was like a second mother figure to him. But the main reason he was upset because this had caused great pain to Genevieve. Too see her so heartbroken and weak tore Zayn apart.

The sky was dark and grey, which imitated how each and every single person at the cemetery felt at the moment. Kind words were said about Matilda from a few staff members from the past, Madeline's father, and the king and queen themselves. Genevieve couldn't even open her mouth to speak since she had received the news yesterday at the hospital. It was as if her voice had gone along with her mother. Away from her.

After the speeches, the time had come which Genevieve feared most of had arrived, and that was of the burial of her mother. Madeline who sat beside Genevieve, grabbed her hand and pressed it firmly to comfort her. Without removing her gaze from the coffin, Genevieve squeezed back in reply and with her other hand, she searched for Zayn's hand to hold. Taken my surprise, Zayn looked at Genevieve but she still looked ahead. Nonetheless, Zayn grabbed her hand and rubbed his thumb on the back of her hand in an effort to comfort her. As the polished wooden case began to lower into the ground, tears released from Genevieve's eyes and her bottom lip trembled. The grasp of both her hands tightened, from the overwhelming emotion that was currently hitting her straight into her heart like a dagger.

Once the ceremony was over, guests began to leave. But before doing so, each of them exchanged a few words with Genevieve about Matilda and wished her well for her own life. As Genevieve thanked the last guest, Queen Trisha approached her.

Trisha embraced Genevieve, which made her let go of more tears. Once she pulled back, she said "You're such a strong girl Genevieve. It's such a shame how incredible of a person, had to leave so soon. Your mother was an exceptional woman. When she decided to resign from her position at the castle, I was indeed upset. But that was only because the presence of such a wonderful person was not going to be present at my home for any longer. You know what her reason was to leave? She said a small child in her own home, wasn't getting as much attention as Zayn, myself and Yaser were receiving from her. She was always there fulfilling our needs, when a small girl had needs of her own who also needed to be fulfilled by her. She had given an immense amount of her time to us but now it was time for someone else to also receive her attention. That was her daughter, little Genevieve. With the remaining time you got with her, she clearly did an amazing job raising you. She passed down her great qualities onto you. But one thing always bothered me about your mother Genevieve."

Genevieve looked at the queen surprised but also expectantly to know what action of her mother's bothered her.

"Genevieve, your mother never asked for help. I considered Matilda as a friend but even after that, she never once spoke up to call for help. She was always independent. Clearly her health was deteriorating but not once did she decide to ask me for help. I always wondered when I would get to see and meet her again after she left the castle. But I get the feeling she was hiding from me. But Genevieve, as much as you carry many of your mother's great qualities in yourself, I don't want you to do the same thing she did when it came time to ask one for help. Don't you ever hesitate to come to me and ask me for something. I will be there for you with open arms. Do you understand Genevieve?"

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