Chapter Fifty Seven

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Hey guyss, so excuse that horrible drawing I was half asleep when I did that, I promise I draw way better than that. It's supposed to be the love stone necklace glowing lol. Well here we are, last chapter, enjoy guys. Stay tuned for the playlist.

You groaned and turned, burying your face in your pillow.
Draco kicked you purposely, and went under the covers.
You felt someone jump on the bed.
"Darling, wake up." Draco mumbled.
You groaned.
"Darling." Draco kicked you again.
"Draco I am a 29 year old woman that needs her beauty sleep. Shut up."
"I'm 29 too! I need it too!"
"Mum, dad. You guys are acting like you're old people. And you seem to be forgetting... I AM 11 AND WE NEED TO GO GET MY SCHOOL SUPPLIES! I AM LEAVING FOR HOGWARTS TODAY!"
"Fine." You got up from bed and rushed to get ready.
Draco was still sleeping, his face buried in his pillow.
You rolled your eyes and started toward him.
Fred smiled and scrambled off the bed.
When you got to Draco, you hit his butt as hard as you could.
Draco got up and rubbed his hair, messing it up even more. Gosh, he was still hot.
"Fred, honey, is Scorpious awake?" You asked.
"Yes, he's having breakfast with Chicken right now. I already ate. I'm so excited!! Mum? Dad? What house were you guys in?"
Draco smiled. "Why?"
"I want to be in the same house!!" Fred exclaimed.
"Well, your mum and I were in Slytherin. But I have a feeling you might be in a different house." Draco said, unbuttoning his shirt.
You just stared. You have been with him since your fourth year in Hogwarts. Fifteen years, and you still swooned at him.
Draco noticed. Of course he did. He always did.
He did it on purpose.
"Why do you say that, dad?" Fred asked.
He smiled, then looked at you. "Because you are very much like your mum's brother."
Fred looked confused. "Huh?"
"You never met him. He..he passed away. But you were named after him. Now, I didn't know him too well. But I was cruel to his family back then. But from what your mum has told me, he was an amazing person who could cheer you up with his presence."
Fred smiled. "Really? What did he look like, mum?"
You smiled, and your eyes stung. "He looked exactly like your uncle George. They were twins."
Fred gasped. "Uncle George had a twin?!"
You nodded.
"What house?"
"Gryffindor. Like George, Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Ron."
Fred's eyes gleamed with delight. "Wow, well don't you just learn something everyday. You have to tell me more about.... Uncle Fred. But on our way to Diagon Alley!" Fred jogged out of the room and you laughed, closing the door.
Draco was just standing there with his damn shirt off.
"Quickie?" He asked.
"No, Draco, we have to go. When we get back... maybe." You said.
"Nope." You laughed. "Come dressed."
You put on a fancy pencil skirt, fancy top, and a women's suit jacket. You had to look elegant.
It was the Malfoy way.
Draco was putting on his best suit, nothing too fancy, but elegant enough.
And of course, it was black.
You helped him adjust his tie and perfect his hair.
He just looked at you with so much love the whole time.
"There, you look handsome." You smiled.
"You look so much better than I do." Draco leaned down and kissed your nose.
You guys had everything needed for Fred.
Well, mostly everything. He still an owl.
You all walked into the pet shop. Scorpious was holding your hand and with his free hand he moved his flippy blonde hair away from his grey blue eyes.
He was the spitting image of Draco and Fred was the spitting image of you. Male version, of course.
"Pick any one you want, son." Draco said.
"Oh, Draco, I forgot to tell you that Harry and George wanted to see Fred go off to Hogwarts. The others couldn't make it, but George and Harry will be there."
Draco froze. "Are they still... you know."
You shrugged. "Only one way to find out."
Scorpious was peeking from cage to cage, while Fred was looking for an owl he liked.
Someone tapped Draco, and he turned around to see his mother smiling at him.
"Mum! How have you been?" Draco hugged her.
"I've been well." She looked at you and smiled. "Look at you, all grown but still lovely. It seems like it was just yesterday when you two were still 18 and just married. And when I say that I mean it literally because it seems to me like you two haven't aged at all!"
You all laughed. You felt someone hide behind you.
He peered up at Narcissa and she smiled when she saw him. "Is this...? My, I haven't seen you since you were a baby."
"Mummy who is she?" He asked.
You chuckled. "This is your nana, sweetie."
Scorpious didn't know her at all. The last time he seen her, he was three months old. The reason why she stopped seeing him was because Lucius was getting so strict about it.
Fred did know her though.
"Nana!" He said when he seen her.
"My son, give me a hug! I haven't seen you in a long time."
They hugged tightly for a good amount of time.
"Did you find an owl?" Draco asked.
"Yes I did! That one over there!"
He pointed to a beautiful owl with golden eyes and brown and black feathers.
"Oh, he's beautiful. Go get him darling, we'll pay right now." You said.
You heard the shop's door open and a man clear his throat.
You all turned around and the smiles faded.
Now, Lucius was someone your children never met. At all.
Draco grabbed you by the waist and you held Scorpious. Fred stood next to Narcissa.
"Draco. You've grown." He said.
"Obviously. I haven't seen you in 11 years."
Lucius looked so old. Narcissa looked the same, just a little more wrinkles by her eyes. But Lucius. You figured all that stress and anger was the contribution to him looking so old.
He still walked with his cane. His hair was still long, but was thinning.
He now looked at you and the children. He held a longer gaze at Fred and Scorpious.
Then he looked back to you. "You have... blessed my son with a beautiful family.." he said, rather awkwardly.
"Thank you." You replied.
"Draco, at this point, apologies are worthless. But I would like to make it right." He said.
"Oh, now you want to be a part of our lives." Draco said, rolling his eyes.
"Son, please. Give me a chance."
"I've given you loads-"
"Draco. Please. Your father really means it.." Narcissa said.
Draco sighed. "It won't be easy. But we'll try."
Soon, you all said your goodbyes. Draco's parents couldn't go along because.. well they really didn't explain why.
But you didn't question it.
*PLATFORM 9 3/4*
The platform was crowded as the train arrived. You found Harry and George within five minutes, though.
Draco was over with Scorpious making sure Fred's things were put away.
Fred was with you, and he gave Harry and George hugs when he saw them.
"How do you feel, squirt?" George asked.
"Excited! I can't believe I'm finally going!" Fred said.
Harry laughed. "That's the spirit!"
He then looked up and his smile faded.
Draco was right behind you now. He wasn't smiling either.
"Malfoy." Harry said.
"Potter." Draco replied.
You just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do.
That staring contest was getting intense.
Then Harry cracked a smile, and so did Draco.
Then they started to laugh.
Wait. What?
"What even, guys?" You asked.
"It's more of a compliment now than an insult, aye Potter?" Draco said.
"Indeed it is." Harry laughed.
Ugh. Men.
(That part was @Jmcneil45 's idea give her a follow (: )
"Well, mum, dad. I have to get on the train now." Fred said.
You turned towards him as he went to hug you first.
"I'll miss you, sweetheart." You said.
"I already miss you, mummy." Fred said as he hugged you alittle tighter.
Then he hugged Draco.
"Be good, son. Make alot of friends, and remember, it doesn't matter what house they are in. I want you to take care, be nice to everybody.. listen to your teachers and pay attention."
Fred smirked. "I love you too, dad."
Next was Harry. "All I have to say is have fun and learn! And listen to your father, he's right. He wasn't exactly the boy he wants you to be."
"Hey! In my defense, I got a hot wife out of it!" Draco exclaimed.
You rolled your eyes.
Then George. "Hey squirt, I also want you to listen to your dad but..." now he was whispering, "pranking is really fun. Remember how I taught you to be sneaky. Don't get caught."
Fred smiled and nodded.
Scorpious held on to Fred, not wanting to let go.
"Stay here, Fwed.. I don't want you to go! Pwease!"
"Freddie has to go, Scorpi. I'll see you soon, I promise. Write to me, okay? Use mum or dad's owl." Fred said, getting on his knees to say goodbye to Scorpious.
"Otay." Scorpious gave him one final hug.
Then off to the train he went.
You watched him go inside, watched as he found a seat by a window.
Draco had his arm over your waist, and you all waved goodbye.
Everything was going to be okay for him. No drama, fear, or war.
Although those things were horrible for you at Hogwarts, it made you the person that you are. It made you realize that there were some changes you had to make for yourself. And Draco had that realization too.
Now, he was a changed man. He was no longer angry, mean, and depressed.
He was always happy and welcoming.
"Hmm?" You looked up at Draco.
"I realized something. Most of the time when we were together in Hogwarts and partially our married life, I'll be honest, I really.." he looked down at Scorpious and covered his ears, " fucked up. Alot. I never thought I would be worthy of being a husband or a father but finally, I know I'm doing something right. Now I can finally say that we created something beautiful."
You smiled and cupped his face with your hand. "Draco, it was beautiful from the start."
You were going to kiss him, until George just, "CHICK FLICK MOMENT!"
You couldn't contain from bursting into laughter.
Draco laughed too.
Scorpious asked for ice cream, and you promised to take him on the way home.
You remembered when you missed home when you ran away to marry Draco. But you got over it quickly.
Home isn't a place. Home is that feeling of comfort you get. Home is where you know you can be happy and not have a single care in the world.
You know you have a home when you miss it, when you feel incomplete.
You can call any place your home, but it's the feeling that counts.
You remembered when you would be home, but your weren't complete.
That was because wherever Draco and your children were, that was home.
They made you complete. Your family.
You watched the train until you couldn't see it anymore.
Draco watched you, a smile on his face. And he felt the same way.
To him, home was where you were.
He held your hand and he noticed something that he didn't see for a long time.
That green glow.
"I haven't seen that necklace in a long time." He said.
"Do you really think I would throw away the necklace you stole from me in our third year?"
"Hey, I gave it back the next year. And if I hadn't taken it, we wouldn't have gotten together that night at the Yule Ball." He said.
"Maybe not that night, but it was destined to happen."
Draco smiled.
"I smell corn, Harry, do you? I think maybe it's because (y/n) amd Draco are being corny!" George exclaimed.
"George do you want ice cream!?" You asked.
"Then shut your piehole."
Draco tugged your hand. "Let's go get that ice cream. I want some too."
"Me three." Harry said.
You chuckled. "You guys are such children ................................................... who's gunna pay? NOT IT!" you yelled.
"NOT IT!" George.
"NOT IT!" Harry.
"NOT IT!" Draco.
"What?" Scorpious was confused.
"Well, Scorpious is the spitting image of Draco, so Draco pays." Harry said.
"That's not fair!"
You listened to them fighting over who pays blah blah blah.
Still, you found comfort in it. This was your family. Sure you all had differences and it consisted of Purebloods, Half Bloods, and Muggleborns. But no matter what, you were all one.
And it's going to stay that way, you thought, as Draco held your hand and kissed you lovingly on your cheek.
In your darkest days with Draco, you always wondered to yourself: Is this love?
And now, you were proud to give the answer.
Yes. Yes, it is.

Is This Love? (Draco Malfoy x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now