Chapter Ten

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The train ride to Hogwarts was smooth sailing. You sat next to Amy and you two chit chatted about your summer vacation.

"Summer did you well. I can see puberty is starting to hit you." Amy said.

You blushed. "It kind of did."

Amy studied your embarrassed look.

Then she figured it out.

"Oh my god, you started your menstral cycle didn't you? For the first time?"

You nodded. "It was scary actually. Mother had to explain it all to me."

Amy laughed.

Then the train stopped.

"What the bloody hell? Why have we stopped?" You wondered.

Then the lights went out.

You and Amy looked at each other.

It started to feel cold and the windows froze up.

"What's going on?" Amy whispered.

You shrugged, a look of fright clearly plastered on your face.

Then you saw a tall, black hooded figure outside your cabin doors.

You and Amy held your breaths.

The creature opened the door.

It was a Dementor.

It looked inside and you and Amy froze up, not moving an inch.

You two didn't even breathe.

Then it left.

You let out the breath you held in.

"It was a Dementor. Probably searching for Sirius Black." You said after awhile of silence.

"I honestly think they should have cancelled school because of his escape from Azkaban. I really don't feel safe." Amy said.

You agreed.

Then the train started to move again.


When you arrived at Hogwarts, you and Amy waited for a carriage that took you the rest of the way.

As you waited, you spotted a rather handsome young man wearing an all black suit with flippy platinum blonde hair.

When he turned around and you seen his full face, you gasped and looked away, punching yourself mentally for thinking such a thing.

That couldn't be Malfoy!

He was only 13 and he looked older! How did puberty hit him that hard over summer?!

He got taller too!

You looked at him again. He didn't notice you.


A carriage came and took you and Amy to Hogwarts.

"Gosh I'm starved." Amy said.

"Yeah, me too. I hope they have pie." You said.

Amy nodded and then you two giggled.


You and Amy sat at your usual spots in the Slytherin table. You two ate in silence. Not that you had nothing to speak of. It's just you needed to concentrate on the food's deliciousness.

Everyone around you was talking about the Dementors and how they were going to be around the school.

It really didn't bother you.

You didn't notice Draco take a glimpse at you for the first time since your arrival at Hogwarts.

Someone tapped his arm repeatedly until he finally responded to them.

"What do you want, Pansy?" He asked coldly.

"Who are you staring at, Draco? I seen you. Who were you staring at?" She asked.

"None of your concern, Pansy." He said, not even making eye contact with her.

"It is my concern. I want to see if she's prettier than me."

Draco rolled his eyes. He met Pansy over the summer and found her very annoying. Thanks to Crabbe and Goyle, Pansy has the impression that Draco likes her when in reality he doesn't.

But he can't deny that he likes the attention that she gives him.

"Drakie-poo who were you staring at!?" Pansy demanded.

Draco face palmed. He wanted to kill himself.

"For the last time Pansy, it's none of your concern!"

Pansy huffed and rolled her eyes.

She crossed her arms and pouted.

Draco looked at her and rolled his eyes.

God this girl acts like he even cares about her.

He didn't give a damn about her. He didn't give a damn about anyone. Not Potter, Granger, Weasely, Crabbe, Goyle, Parkinson, or you.

He may have gave a damn about you last year, but this year he felt different. He felt like he finally distanced himself from you.

And he thought that now he could finally resume to his old ways and get back his Slytherin bad boy reputation.

Is This Love? (Draco Malfoy x Reader) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now