Flashback Pt.3

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TW: Contains sensory overload and under/overstimulation, which starts a breakdown. I can write a summary at the start of the next chapter if you have to skip over a part of it. Just ask, alrighty? :)
Also, for those of you who read One Change, you'll see that I added in a surprise!

Roxas had been getting dressed when he had received the text from Xion. His phone buzzed against his dresser, making him pause with putting on his shirt. It didn't exactly matter right that second, he could put it on later. He walked over to his bed and sat down, pulling his phone off the charger. 80% was good enough, right? He pressed the home button, checking his notifications. It was kinda shocking to see a notification from Xion, especially this early in the morning. He swiped it open, reading the text thoroughly.

X: Hey, Rox..
Um, I'm having a bit of a problem? How fast could you get here?

Roxas frowned, glancing up at the clock. Currently, it was 6:30. School started in roughly an hour and a half. He sighed and started typing.

R: Uh, I can be there in.. 20 minutes at minimum? It would be faster if you could meet me at the school, but I'll get to your home soon. Alright?

X: Alright. Be fast, please..

Roxas nodded and put his phone in his back pocket, and continued getting dressed. He could only hope that Xion was fine. It didn't take him that long to get dressed for school and manage to fix his hair. He took a deep breath and opened his door, being blasted by the chilly air. He was starting to regret leaving his room. His house was always cold in the early morning. But, so long as his door was closed, his room was warm.

Roxas grabbed his bag off the wall. If he was going to go help Xion with a problem, it was kinda pointless to leave his school stuff behind. After all, he didn't know how long it would take. He walked over to the living room, grabbing an empty page out of a random purple binder that was sitting on the coffee table and wrote a small note.

Hey, I left to go help Xion with something, I dunno if I'll be back before school, so I'm taking my stuff with me.
And no, I didn't eat breakfast, cut me some slack, mom!"

- Roxas

He then left, hurrying down the street. He knew the way to Xion's place by heart, the only problem was that it was past Axel's place. But, lucky for Roxas, Axel wasn't an early riser. Yet he always managed to get to school before it started. Axel was just always confusing, but in a good way. Along the way, Roxas started coming up with reasons why Xion would need him. But it was a wasted attempt, he couldn't come up with anything.

Eventually, he reached Xion's house. Well, he wasn't exactly off the mark with his 20 minutes text. He made it in 25. He paused before knocking to take a deep breath. He didn't know what Xion was going through, and wasn't prepared for really any situation. He knocked once, then twice.

The door opened, and Roxas found himself looking at Xion's mom. He shyly smiled and waved, tightening his grip on his bag. His thoughts managed to stay straight and still, and said, "uh, Xion sent for me?"

She nodded. "She's in her room, just down the hall and to the left." A frown started on her face. "But be careful. She's sensitive at the moment."

Roxas nodded, smiling warmly. "Don't worry, she's my friend. I'll be fine."

He turned to head down the hallway at a steady yet quick pace until he reached a closed door. He placed his bag down in the hallway, and took another deep breath. After a small moment, Roxas twisted open the door handle.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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