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Word count for story 325 words
This is one of my favourite songs but it isn't really relevant for the chapter so feel free to ignore it, ill tell you when a song is relevant to play.

It's my first day at my very first job which makes me feel old and young at the same time. It feels like my childhood is like officially over as I'm standing outside the double doors in my pencil skirt. People who work have fun right?

If I'm totally honest my best friend Jasmine got me this job as she already works there in recruiting as she didn't go to collage and I did. She said they were looking for a personal assistant for some boss quite high up. Apparently no one wanted the job so Jasmine called me and here I am.

I hope the boss isn't bad like I get I'm his assistant but I'm not his slave or anything like that. I don't have any experience either so I hope he doesn't treat me like a child. I'm overthinking and I hope Jasmine comes to meet me soon or I will literally turn around and walk all the way back to my flat and probably get fired.

I see Jasmine walk towards the glass doors in a similar black pencil skirt to me, hers is paired with black tights, black heels and a black and white spotty blouse. I follow her inside where she waves to an older lady on the front desk who gives us a gentle smile.

"Everyone here really appreciates a smile, just give them a wave and you will be in their good books " she tells me

"Got it" I reply.

"Except if a scary man who looks like a giant compared to you is walking towards a with with an angry expression please don't wave at him"

"Know from experience do you Jaz" I say while laughing

"Yeah I accidentally waved to your boss Mr Styles and he shouted at me and threatened to fire me"

I stopped walking and looked at her "you're not kidding are you"

She shook her. What have I got myself into?

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