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I get to my desk which is still in Mr Styles room but it's off to the side so I have my own privacy which I like but I'm his assistant so were close enough that if he needs to speak to me he can. I create a log in for my new mac book and log onto his emails so I can see his schedule and book in meetings and business trips for the next few months.

At about lunch time he knocks on the partition separating my space from his.

He interrupts the silence "I see you have booked a flight for me already. "

"Yeah that's my job isn't it" I was scared that I had done my job wrong on the first day

"You know you will be coming with me as my assistant so book your self a seat as well in first class"

"Are you sure I don't mind sitting in economy"

"Don't you dare say that to me again" he yells.

This man has a serious habit of yelling at me. Ive known him for not even a full day and he's yelled and me twice.

I quickly book another seat on the plane directly next to me so he doesn't shout at me again. The flight is a night flight because I prefer to sleep on planes due to my slight fear of flying.

I go up to his desk to give him the flight information but he's on the phone and seems very angry about it so I wait patiently and sit on the little sofa he has while he finishes his conversation or it kind of seems like an argument.

"You've booked yourself a seat I assume or are you just annoying me" he states in kind of an annoyed tone.

"No need to be so rude" I state once again regretting not holding my tongue. "The only flight I could get at such short notice was at night I think it takes off at around nine pm"

"I'll have a car pick you up from your flat, I'm assuming it's the same address as you gave out on your application"

I stare at him in disbelief "you read my application?"

He looks at me like I'm stupid and it takes him a minute to come to a suitable response to my apparently stupid question.

He gets up from his desk, pushing his chair back and not pausing to push it  back in which makes me frustrated, its just one of those things that annoys me. He steps round the desk to tower over me like he did this morning ready to absolutely tear me to shreds. He still hasn't said anything yet which is making my pulse quicken, my heart rate increase and my knees go weak.

He opens his mouth ready to produce some heavily crafted words. "Of corse I read your application, I read over 300 peoples application for this specific job and I picked you. Your little friend Jane or whatever her name is suggested you but in the end it was my decision because if you haven't noticed which I'm sure you have I own this company"

His dominance was kind of attractive, what the hell is wrong with me?

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