35 0 0

Word count: 492
Bit of a longer chapter for ya'll
Here's also a bit of Ed for you to listen to - once again this song isn't relevant to the chapter but feel free to listen to it.

We make our way to our final destination, his office. Do people actually call him Mr Styles? Like that seems way to formal, if I met the prime minister I wouldn't even call him MR Johnson, I would call him Boris? I wonder. What his first name is? Does he even have a first name at all I mean obviously he has a first name but does he use it.

We get to the door and Jasmine knocks. We wait until we hear a quiet come in. And then we enter into a big room with one wall covered in floor to ceiling windows looking out onto a earth taking view of New York. The city that never sleeps.

He's standing there, his back to us looking out onto the city. He looks deep in thought I almost feel bad for interrupting. Jaz clears her throat and he turns round with an annoyed expression on his face.

He looks at me, like he's looking into my soul which makes me really weird and uncomfortable. He hasn't spoken yet which is also kind of creepy. He's still deep in thought and I'm getting kind of impatient.

"Um excuse me Sir, my names Talia I'm here for the assistant job"

Jasmine gives me a look like 'what the hell did you day that for'. I immediately regret not holding my tongue. He looks at me like he wants to kill me, and I think he might actually kill me. He takes a step towards me, my pulse quickens he could easily grab the back of my neck and snap it.

Do I really think that lowly of a man I've know for literally five minutes?

He takes another step towards to the point where he is looming over me. He grabs my wrist and holds it for a minute.

"You're scared of me" he states

"No I'm not" I retort, I don't think I am

"That wasn't a question it was a statement"

"And I said I'm not scared of you" I reply

"You are. I took your pulse" he shouts for the whole of New York to hear.

I look at Jasmine and she looks scared.

"Woman you can leave now" he states and Jazmine leaves the room shutting the door silently behind her. We are now alone and now I'm scared.

"She has a name you know" I say

"Who that woman?" He asks

"Yeah her name is Jasmine she's not just some woman"

"She is to me love, there are possibly thousands of women who work under me I do not have the capacity to care for a single one of them. The only women I care about are my mum and sister"

"I don't really care, I'm here to do a job so will you please tell me what I need to do so I can get on with my job"

"Of corse Miss Evans, let me show you to your desk"

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