Part 4 of The Lovely Bones

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Meanwhile, there's no progress on Susie's case. Jack Salmon is convinced of Mr. Harvey's guilt, and he calls the police constantly. Eventually, Len Fenerman tells him to stop, because there's no evidence to accuse Harvey. That night, Jack sees a light in the cornfield from his window. He goes out there with his baseball bat and almost attacks Susie's friend Clarissa, who's out there waiting for her boyfriend Brian Nelson. In an attempt to protect his girlfriend, Brian takes the baseball bat and beats Jack with it, landing him at the hospital. At the hospital, Abigail Salmon runs into Len Fenerman and they begin an affair.

That fall, Lindsey gets the idea from her dad that she should break into Mr. Harvey's house and find evidence to connect him with Susie's murder. Around Thanksgiving, she does it. When Lindsey is in Harvey's house, Susie learns about Harvey's other victims. Meanwhile Lindsey finds the evidence she needs and escapes just before Harvey catches her.

That afternoon, while some other policeman are interviewing Mr. Harvey about Lindsey's break-in, Len Fenerman is continuing his affair with Abigail Salmon at the mall. As they begin to make love, Mr. Harvey packs up and flees town. The following summer, Abigail leaves home and family. She spends some time in her father's cabin and then moves to California and takes a job at a winery.

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