1. Cutgro - Past Midnight

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(Btw Cutgro stands for Cutter x Aggro)

A humid summer night brought an uncomfortable feeling to every dragon in the Roost except Aggro. She was enjoying the heat so much she climbed outside to try to see if she could catch more of the midnight heatwave.

Cutter however, was going outside for exactly the opposite. 

"Ugh it's just as warm out here." He exclaimed outloud, causing Aggro who hadn't heard him come up jump in surprise.

"Cutter! Don't sneak up on me!" She turned around.

"Yeesh, sorry. Aren't you alone out here?" He strolled up beside her.

"I'm fine, just enjoying the heat." Aggro said.

Cutter looked skeptical as he laid down in the grass, "Ehhh I don't know I think it's cooler out here."

She looked at him weird, "No it's not"

"It's probably just because your Fire Fury scales are natrually warm or something Leyla would probably know." He reached out his wing and brushed lightly along her back, which was truthfully warmer to the touch.

She shivered to his wing touch, and felt the scales around her cheeks heat up in blush. She turned her head around to avoid him seeing. 

If she was to be honest one of the reasons she had originally came outside was that she couldn't stop thinking about Cutter whenever he was near her. Their nests were pretty close in the Roost.

And if Cutter was to be honest part of his reason was also because Aggro's nest was concerningly empty.

Cutter shot his shot, and slowly inched towards her, despite her warm scales probably not helping his humid problem. Aggro was still trying to get her blush under control. He hesitantly leaned over.

"You know you could probably go down to the beach it would be cooler there for you." She suddenly burst.

"Sounds cool, let's go... together?" He put on his most charming smile, trying to make himself sound as less cheesy as possible.

Aggro nodded their head and they flapped up and soared down to the beach under moonlight. The humid night air was soon filled with the scent of soft sea spray. They set down on the sand, eyes glued to the waves trying not to look at eachother.

After a while Cutter couldn't take it and boldly reached out with his tail and twined his tail with hers. She let out a silent gasp of surprise but didn't protest.

Both dragons sidled down beside eachother and fell asleep on the humid night listening to the cool waves.

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