2. WingerXSummer - Together

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Rain fell as soft as snow upon Huttsgalor and the ocean waters ran a pleasant lukewarm. Ot was a promising day for a catch of fish.

In the clearing of the Roost, Summer had just finished propping up training targets when a certain Swiftwing awkwardly walked over to her.

"Hey Summer, what do you think of fishing along the northern beach." He grinned as best as he could.

She turned around, slightly surprised, "Oh- sure." She responded then looked at Leyla, "Can I go?"

Leyla smiled a knowing smile, "Of course Sum."

Summer went back to Winger and nodded. They both rose up into the air and flew through the drizzling rain. The FastFin thought of several conversation topics to break the silence between her and Winger as they flew, but she could never find out how to start them. 

'Why do I always get so clueless around him? It's like I can't think straight.'

She frowned then realized Winger was looking at her.

"So uhm, what do you hope to catch today?" She started.

Winger seemed to take the question by surprise, as if he wasn't expecting her to talk to him. "Uh- fish?" He laughed nervously, "Is there anything else?"

"Theres lobster, crab-" Summer had begun to list before noticing Winger's smile had faded.

"But yeah, mainly fish, your right." She quickly said and he perked up a little.

The two young dragons eventually reached the beach and they landed upon the sand.

Summer felt the awkwardness grew, and she found herself not being able to say a thing. They were completley alone, together, on a fishing trip.

By itself it wasn't really that romantic at all, but combined with the fact that Summer had recently been thinking about how she thought of Winger, it made the situation in some ways, worse. 

"Summer... maybe you could teach me how to fish better?" Winger asked quietly, his face bad become rose-tinted.

"Is- is that really why you asked me out here?" She hesitantly responded.

The Swiftwings wings dropped on either side of him, "Ok you caught me."

Summer blinked, she didn't expect him to be so forward.

"I really wanted us to come out here because... because..." Wingers eyes started to dart around, as if looking for something to make an excuse with.

Summer tried to reassure him, "Its ok, whatever the reason, I'm glad your out here with me." She hoped she didn't sound to forward. Would he take her intentions wrong? Did he think she was purposfully cutting him off?

Instead, Winger looked happy. He took a step closer to her, "Wow."

'Wow.' Summer's heart sang.

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