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-Artemis's Outfit-

Trigger Warning- Self Harm Suicidal thoughts/attempts and Depression 

Artemis's Pov- 

From my spot at the top of tower, I can see everything. Hear the sounds of traffic, the annoyance of humans getting the best of their humanity. I sit perched on the highest tower I could find, just gazing out at the view, mulling over my thoughts. Almost a year ago, my parents died. 

Not even a few weeks after, I had packed up my things and left town, leaving my sister and brother to deal with things on their own. While part of me regrets my choices the other part didn't. I would be shocked if they even realized I was gone. Elena was oldest, then me, then Jeremy. I've always understood my role as middle child best to be seen and not heard, always forgotten. But it still hurt that I got no recognition as being part of the family. When Elena wanted something, she got it. The same with Jeremy. When I would ask, I would be shot down. Apparently, my needs would never come first. In my parent's eyes, I was something that wasn't as important as my siblings. Though they never made it clear, the accusations and proof were there. 

It was age fifteen when the depression became a weight, and lately it was crushing. How could I be better? How could I be more like Elena? Even though I'm Elena's twin, I knew I could never match up. How could I even come close to the Cheerleading, Straight A's and perfect complexion of my twin? While we had the same face, the same couldn't be said about personality.  Elena is an extrovert, happy and sweet and kind to all; except for me. I prefer the indoors, where I'm safe, and no one could compare and judge. I'm an introvert and have severe trust issues that bloomed out of nowhere. 

When I left, I ran to New York. The city that never sleeps. I thought, maybe the city's so vibrantly alive soul will finally awaken mine.  I couldn't have been more wrong. The city only fueled my sadness and guilt. How could I be in such a rewarding city, when my family was back home, suffering as I was? Day after day grew bleaker, and I even came to blows with myself. Little cuts, here and there. Nothing to painful, nothing that would scar too bad. Just enough to punish myself, to remind myself of the pain I know I deserve. Eventually, it became too much for me to handle. The grief was unbelievable suffocating, and I wanted nothing more than to escape it. 

Which was why I sit here tonight, on the ledge of a high New York building. To end my constant suffering. Putting myself out of my misery, it's the least I could do. So, I stand. But before I can jump, a voice rings out, calling to me. "Are you sure you want to do that love?"  I whip around to see who it was, only to almost lose my balance. A pair of arms shoot out to grab me, pulling me to their chest. "Careful, love. Don't want you to fall, now do we?" I pull myself out of their grasp, looking up to see a pair of the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen. They're a cerulean blue, specks of soft white sprinkled around like specks of white foam in the ocean. "I like your eyes." I breathe out, not even realizing he saved my life.  He chuckles. "Thank you. I happen to like yours as well." I smile. Nobody's ever been this nice to me. In fact, this stranger is probably the first person to give me a compliment in over seven years. I realize how close we are and clear my throat, taking a step back. "So, thanks, but I think I would've been fine." He raises a brow. "I mean," I stumble over my words, trying to find a way to continue. "things would have been better, had I-" "had you been dead?" he finishes. I give a small nod. 

"What's your name?" he asks. "Artemis."  He takes a step closer, putting us as close as we were before, if not closer. With his hands on my shoulders, he tells me, "Well, ArtemisI just so happen to think the exact opposite. There is no way, that the world would be a better place without you in it." By the time he finishes his little speech, I have tears in my eyes. "You don't know that. You don't know me."  He smiles. "I plan on changing that. How about we leave this treacherous ledge, and get some dinner? Or perhaps a coffee."  I manage to contain my sniffle enough to smile at him. "Thank you."  "For what?"  I laugh. "You just saved my life and gave me the first compliment I've received in the past seven years.  And then you proceed to ask me out for coffee-and you don't even seem like the coffee type, and then you're just acting like you didn't save my life, and-" I stop abruptly, realizing my babbling habit had gotten the best of me.  "Sorry."  I whisper. He wipes away my tears and holds out a hand for me to take. "No need to apologize, love. I find it quite adorable; and I barely know you." he says, making me smile again. That's two. Two adorations when he knows nothing about me.  I grab his hand, and as he's leading us towards the roof's exit door, he looks back at me. "And your right. I am most definitely not a coffee person." 

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