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Trigger Warning- Elena Slander 

When we got to my apartment, we went through the whole limbo of how vampires have to be invited in. I was a little skeptical but decided to hell with it. I invited him in, and when he was hanging his coat up, I pointed to the kitchen area. "I think there's a blood bag in the fridge. B positive."  I turn around and meet his narrowed eyes. "You think your funny?" I laugh. "Hilarious." his moody comment only makes me laugh harder. "Don't hurt yourself." he mutters. At this, I'm practically on the floor holding my stomach. 

I compose myself-with some difficulty- and see he's made himself comfortable in my bean bag. Well, the bean bag on steroids. It can fit like 5 people. And It's soft.  "You look comfortable." I say, flopping down beside him. "Surprisingly." he replies. With his eyes being closed, I get to fully study him. He has curly dirty blonde hair, freckles that are so light that if you aren't close enough, you wouldn't know they're there. His lips look so soft, his upper one a bit smaller than the bottom, both still full. He has minimal facial hair, but just enough to where it suits him perfectly. And his jawline, oh my god. I swear I've died and gone to heaven. It's like, the equivalent of, like, I don't know. But it's perfect. He's perfect. And I don't even know him. "Staring is creepy, love." he whispers, opening his eyes and looking at me sideways.  

I grin. "Not when I do it." I speak. "And what's it considered when you do it?" he inquires. "Hmm. Endearing. Yes. Definitely that." he chuckles.  I decide it's time. "Okay! come on, get up." 

"Why?" he groans. I look at him, amused. "You really like that bean bag, don't you?" 


I groan. "Come on, Nik. This is important. Like, discovery of what's inside of Area 51 important." As soon as I say that I gasp and turn around to face him. "Did you come from Area 51?" he scrunches up his nose and his brows furrow. "What's Area 51?" I don't particular hear him, more focused on the way he's looking at me. He looks adorable when he's confused. "Looove," I snap out of my daze and smile sheepishly up at him. "Sorry. Your adorable when you're confused. Now let's go! I brought you here for a reason. And before you even start, get you head out of that place."  He laughs. 

I lead him down the hall and stop in front of a door. "Don't judge, okay? I've only picked this up recently."  He looks at me skeptically. "Picked up what?"  "Kidnapping." I deadpan. His eyes widen, and I laugh. "Joking. Jesus." I push open the door, and he walks in. Inside the room, is my art. When I first came to New York and got this apartment, this was the biggest room there was. At first, I wanted it for my room, but then, before I had unpacked everything, I had an idea.

 Well, let me rephrase that. My dumb self who took a weed brownie from a homeless New Yorker had an idea. What if I learned how to paint? Mind you, I was still high when I tried for the first time, but it went surprisingly well. I painted based on my feelings, really expressing what I'd had bottled up for so long. It became an escape. 

The room itself has a bay window, one of the main reasons I first wanted it for my room. It's wide and has more of a circular shape than a normal room with four square walls.  I put in some cabinets along one wall, and a drying rack. I bought easels, markers and any other art supply that amazon and other websites offered. Sketch books, Canvases, etc. I have sheets layered on the floor, my completed painted works on the walls, and my filled sketchbooks in the cabinets.  

Led fairy lights are strung from the ceiling, illuminating the work I put on it. Another adventure of me being on cloud nine thanks to a second trip to Jerry, the homeless guy, I took paints and just started to splat and toss it everywhere. Little specks of all colors now cover the ceiling, and portions of a few walls. 

I clasp my hands behind my back. "What do you think?" I ask, nervously. I'm not really too sure about this, in fact, it was more of a random whim of an idea than an actual thought-out decision. Now that I've gone through with it, I feel a bit exposed. He turns in a semi-circle, seemingly admiring my work. "It's beautiful, Aurelia." I relax a little when he says that, not that I need his approval, but it still feels nice. He points to the one of a rat.

 "What inspired that one?" I laugh a bit. "My sister."  He lets out a chuckle.  "Do you hate her that much?" I nod, then realize he isn't facing me to get my reaction. "Yes. She's actually my twin, so in a way I'm insulting myself with that one, but it's more about her personality. She's always been better than me, some might call it jealousy. Me, I call it overshadowing. She was my twin, after all. I got my depression at 15, and she was too busy with cheerleading, a boyfriend, and popularity to check in with me.  When we were younger, we were best friends. At 13, that changed. Can't do much about it now, though."

 I shrug, like it's not a big deal. Because in a way, it no longer is. 

I've accepted the fact that while she could have done more, she didn't. The fact that she hasn't called to check in with me since I moved tells me that she won't be changing her ways anytime soon. I called her, and Jeremy. Jeremy picks up, she doesn't. It is what it is. 

"Do you still love her?"  Nik asks, out of the blue. I don't even think about it before answering, "Of course." I pause, before continuing.  "She's, my family. I'll always lover her, even if it isn't returned. I just have to accept her for who she chooses to be, how she chooses to be, be there if she needs me, and hope that one day she might choose to do the same thing."  He seems to process my answering, then nods. "Trouble with your siblings?" I ask. He tilts his head, before shaking it.

 "I guess you could say that. I currently have my youngest and oldest brothers daggered in boxes, along with my only sister. My other brother, Elijah, lost my trust many years ago and I have ceased to be hearing from him. We've always had some issues in our family. I suppose you could say it's our normal," he trails off. 

"What's your normal?" I ask. "Chaos." he replies. I hum. "I can accept that. Everybody has demons." 

He smiles down at me. "How about I get a snack, and you get Chinese." I smile back up at him. "Nice offer, but you should know I prefer Mexican more."  he grins. "Come on, Artemis. My treat."  I grab his hand, and let him lead me out of the room, closing the door behind us. "You are my new best friend, Kay?"  he laughs. "Okay."  I hold out a pinky. "Pinky swears."  he stops and looks down at my pinky. I sigh. "You, take your pinky, and go like this, and shake it." I link our pinkies, and we shake.  Tonight/Morning was a good one. I have a hot, cute, adorable, pretty, vampire best friend, and we are getting Mexican Food. Emphasis on Mexican food. 


 2 Chapters done. I love soft Nik, and we'll be getting a lot of him. But at the same time, we all love Klaus as a bad guy. So, it's definitely difficult. I'm trying not to stray from Klaus's actual personality and character, but I also have to bend things a bit for the Plot. Let me know what you think! 

Lots of Love bitches, 


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