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-Artemis's Outfit-

It's been two months since Nik and I became friends, and we've come a long way. He's come to understand that my love language is touch, I've always been a big cuddler.  I've come to realize that he needs somebody to encourage his bad ideas, hype him up a bit, but also tether him. That's my job. I've started stocking blood bags in the fridge, even though I learned early on he prefers it from the vein. Though when I walked in on him drinking a girl dry, I made sure he knew he cannot bring his food home.

 I learned that Nik paints too, and he's amazing at it. When he moved in with me, he brought some of his art. He still has his compelled penthouse; but after how long it took me to adjust to my apartment, I refused to leave. So, he came to me. Turned out we only lived a few blocks away from each other. A few weeks into our friendship, Nik got fed up with my depression fueled mood swings. 

That's when he got me Anti-Depressants. Said, "You're giving me whiplash from your bipolar activities."  I didn't lose my sparkle. He told me so himself. 


We sit at the counter, facing each other. Nik sits on a bar stool, and I lean against the cool marble. The pills are between us, just kind of there. "I don't know about this Nik."  I speak.  he grabs my hand, squeezing it. "Love, I promise you won't lose you sparkle. Nothing about you will change, it'll just decrease the feeling of overwhelming sadness. You'll still be you."  I look up at him. "What if it does?" I ask. Even though I didn't elaborate, he understands. "Then you won't have to take them again." he replies. "And we can sell them to Jerry the homeless guy." I joke. He cracks a small smile. "Sure."  I uncap it and take out the correct amount. Nik passes me a cup of water and I take a deep breath, then blow out. "Okay. Here goes nothing I guess." 

-Flashback over- 

We've been pretty okay since, we don't share a room, but I always end up in his or he ends up in mine. I think that once he got used to my need for affection, he started to get it too.  We weren't dating anybody, but we also weren't dating each other.  It was just a weird limbo for us, this past two months. 

Though now, we've got a somewhat stable schedule down. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are my days that I work from 9:00 A.M to 2:00 P.M, at the local department store. Nik doesn't work, I'm actually not quite sure what he does on the days that I do. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and the weekends are my free days. Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to the gym, trying to keep some meat on my bones.

 Nik used to go with me, till the time at least 7 different girls tried to mob him. Granted, he chose to work out without a shirt, so I understand their motivation. But still. It was traumatizing, and it didn't even happen to me. On the weekends, Nik and I tend to stay in, order food, Nik eats the delivery guy/girl, I eat the delivered food. I've managed to get him to watch three out of the who knows how many Barbie movies.  It was hilarious to watch his reactions. 

"How does when she puts the crown on, a dress just pops up in a cloud of glitter? It doesn't make sense."  "That's the magic of the crown, because she's the true princess." "I thought that was the other one?" "Nope." "Jesus Christ." 

Other times, he tells me stories of what it was like to be in the midst of real royalty.  I guess some princess bitch Aurora broke his heart? But not before she broke the heart of some guy, Lucy, was it? Because he loved her, but she loved him, or some backwards shit like that. Let me tell you, it's harder to keep up with the Michaelson's that it is the Kardashians. 

Today I decided to sleep in. Nik must have decided to do the same, because usually he's up when the sun is. It's not till I feel his arms wrap themselves tighter around my waist that I realize he's sleeping in in my bed, and not his own. I turn around, adjusting myself so that my head is tucked into his chest. He gives me a kiss on my hair, but other than that we don't move. Sometimes it's nice to just relax, and not get up for a while. Just be lazy.  Try it, I deeply encourage it. It'll be the best decision of your life. 

All of the sudden, Nik's phone lets out a shrill ringing sound. He goes to reach for it, but I stop him. "No." I tell him. He chuckles. "No?" he asks. I shake my head in conformation. He sighs.  "Alright love. Five more minutes." He relents, pulling me further into his warmth. Not even a few seconds go by when the phone goes off again. "Ugh!" I snatch it off the nightstand before Nik can and hop off the bed.

Well, try to hop off the bed. Due to the fact that I was previously entangled with Nik and the blankets, I end up landing on the floor with a thump. Nik snickers at me before I send him a glare and hit accept. "Hello?" I answer. "Is that my shirt?" Nik mouths. I give him a sheepish grin. One thing that everybody should know about me is that I'm a closet robber. Born and raised baby. 

"Is Niklaus there?" A very posh sounding voice rings through the speakers, and I freeze. This must be Elijah; the one Nik hasn't talked to in a couple decades. Maybe more. "Oh! No, I'm sorry, this is his mother." I tell him, knowing very well his mother is dead. Nik watches, somewhat amused. "Our mother is dead." Elijah says, and I giggle.

 "I know! I'm Artemis, by the way. Nik's resident best friend and house mate." pause. "I wasn't aware Nilaus had such things." he tells me, and I let out a breathy laugh. "I believe the term you're looking for is, O.M.G." I reply, and he chuckles. "I suppose it is. It was lovely speaking with you, Aurelia, but I am going to need Niklaus on the phone." I nod and smile, even though he can't see me. "No problem!" I toss Nik the phone before walking to the door. 

"I'm gonna start the coffee, Nik." I tell him, leaning on the door jam. he nods. "Oh! And we ran out of blood bags, you're going to have to go to the hospital if you want to eat this morning." he smiles. "Thanks Love." I smile, before heading to the kitchen for my will to live. Today is going to be a wonderful day. 


Today is a horrible day. Nik has business. And the worst part is, business just so happens to be located in Mystic Falls. How is that even possible? Nothing happens in Mystic Falls, and I'm pretty sure that If I went back today, it would be the exact same as the day I left. 

"Explain this to me again," he sighs. We're standing in my art room, both at our respective canvases. Well, Nik's at a canvas, I'm painting on a wall. "You know I'm a hybrid," I cut him off. "Suppressed Hybrid." he gives me a look. This is definitely still a touchy subject. Nevertheless, he continues. "Mystic Falls has a few things I need to break the curse. If I'm to break it by the upcoming full moon, I have to retrieve them." I frown and pause my strokes. 

"Are you sure you don't have to do some shit like kiss a princess? Because if so, I volunteer as tribute." 

He teasingly narrows his eyes. "Were you even listening to me?" I pull my gaze from his lips. "Hmm?" he chuckles.  Putting down his brush, he walks over to me. He gets so close, that there's barely an inch of space between our faces. His hands find my waist, and he pulls me closer to him. My heart is beating so fast, for absolutely no reason. We get close to each other like this all the time. This time should be no different. "Love, if you want to make out, all you have to do is ask." 

I snort. "Jesus Nik." he gives me a cheeky grin. Not dropping my brush and put a hand on the side of his face I lean even closer. I am extremely proud to say that I'm almost 60% sure his breath got hitched in the back of his throat. His eyes burn into mine, and before he realizes what's happening, I take my brush and smear paint all over the right side of the face, accentuating his bone structure. 

He stops grinning, and a look of murder passes over his face. I step back and admire my work. "You look cute." I tell him. Right before I take off running. "Artemis!" he yells, right as I make it out the door. I laugh. I love my life. 

𝑺𝑨𝑽𝑰𝑶𝑹- 𝑲𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒔 𝑴𝒊𝒌𝒂𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒐𝒏Where stories live. Discover now