Chapter 2 - The Brothle

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I'd got out the car and made it to where I used to work - a modern day brothle and gave the driver my last pathetic penny.
"Thanks." I said before the taxi sped off in the fog.

I made my way to the crooked door, knocking hoping there'd be someone to answer in my drenched red dress and a pair of heels that gave what felt like a million blisters. I heard young girls disputing, making their voices as loud as they could ; it was only until five minutes later, someone opened the door.

"Well well look who's here." The woman I called auntie for years stood in her silk dressing gown with a warm glow behind her coming from all the lamps she scattered around the house.

"Hello Auntie, I need a place to crash. Can I stay with you and your girls?" I asked hoping for a yes. She left me hanging for awhile and wouldn't respond. I could see that she was thinking about where I was going to sleep for the night. Auntie Mimi had lots of young girls staying with her, this place is a safety net for most.

"Of course baby. You'll have to stay on the couch on the third floor landing. I'll bring you blankets, a cushion." Mimi came to a conclusion and gave her permission and I felt a flush of relief. She opened her arms to hug me, indicating I was welcome. I'd never needed a hug so bad, it had been so long since I'd had a older woman in my life to guide me and show sensitivity to my situation.

"Thank you." Silently I spoke, nestling in her shoulder.

"Not needed, this is your home when you need it. Now head upstairs and get yourself to bed. I'll bring the blankets, cushions and such up to you in no time."

She rushed away going towards the old cupboard where she kept her linens. I started to climb the stairs bearfoot, my head was low and pumping with ache. I'd made it, then beginning to undress: I chose to wear just my underwear as the authorities wouldn't even let me grab my clothes when they evicted me. I hated them. They never once helped me when I confessed what he'd done to me, instead they looked at me as if I were nothing, the bottom of the food chain.

"Here you go." Mimi laid the quilted blanket on the couch and shook the blue cushion, making it plump and full, for the benefit of my comfort. I waited until she'd finished making my bed. I knew if I'd offer my help she'd turn me down in an instant. Aunt Mimi preferred to do things her way, without a helping hand. That's what I found inspirational about her: her independence was weirdly terrifying. I'd always needed someone to rely on, I hated that about myself. Well I hated alot of things to be honest.

"You've lost weight my girl. I don't like it..." She declared with a look of sadness in her dolled up eyes. I didn't know how to respond, I haven't had a great amount of money therefore haven't ate properly in the past month. I was also sad but I've been sad for so long now ; the room was still in an awkward silence and Mimi waited patiently for my reply.
'It's worth a shot.' I thought to myself.

"I've been eating three meals a day, it's unusual you think that." That was a lie.

"You can't lie to me, young girls lie to me all the time. Everyday at that - you can be honest Joce." She sat on a small coffee table that was beside the couch and lifted one of her legs over the other.

I could be honest with her but I'm just scared. I'm scared of how she'll perceive me, her opinion was the only one that mattered.

I stopped looking at the New York sky scrapers and blank sky and made my way to the grey couch. I put my purse on the floor nearby, clipped my hair back and dived underneath the warm blanket. I had the courage to now be honest with Auntie.

"It's not been the same since what happened with my ex. I haven't seen you so you don't know but... But I want you to know that I'm fine ok?" I stuttered too much to count, talking or just thinking about it made me afraid and I thought about it every hour.

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