Chapter 4 - Blood on his hands

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The morning was here and sunlight peeked through the smalls gaps of my almost broken blind. I could feel my alarm about to go off, oh and there it is. Great.

It had been officially a week since me being evicted, I guess I've achieved alot since then. I even got a job at that diner after I put that boy in his place, the nice waitress lady and me had a long conversation about our lives. I let her know about my situation, so she helped me massively by asking her boss to give me a job which I needed desperately and also giving me a room in her apartment.

I agreed to pay rent each month which was very affordable so I couldn't say no. The room was plain white and had engravements of flowers around the border in a pale red, there was a wooden closet and even a desk with a chair. It was small but perfect for me, I couldn't of been happier to see my room when she showed me. My window overlooked the train station, it did make loud noises from all the of the trains machinery moving all day and night and weirdly it was comforting. I hated sleeping in silence.

After a few minutes of getting my eyes to actually open properly, I got out of my bed and pulled out my work uniform. The uniform was a baby blue colour and had a white collar. The perks of this outfit choice is that it was personalised and you didn't have to think about what you were going to wear everyday: on one of the pockets my name was stiched in a bold red cursive font.

I finished doing up one of the buttons and then stretched out the skirt, making sure not a crease was showing; I tied my hair in a high ponytail, leaving out my front parting messily. I never made an effort in how I presented myself so this was fine for me. Most girls my age do make an effort and pamper themselves, get a haircut or carry a unbelievably overpriced handbag. I was good with my old little black purse that cost five dollars. Sure it had a couple of bits falling off but I didn't need a new one.

I opened my bedroom door and made my way to the cramped kitchen. I could see Ines making her children's lunch, spreading butter on slices of bread. If I was ever a mother I'd want to be exactly like Ines. Not only she was the sweetest woman to tred the earth but she loved her children like no other mother could. I would die to have someone like her looking after me as a child.

My parents were the shittiest parents you could've met, they were heavily addicted to heroin and they gambled all their money and belongings away. I remember one time when I was ten they sold me to this man who was a murderer and a convicted pedophile. A class A creep if you want me to put it straightforward. Luckily the authorities found me in time before anything bad happened otherwise I don't think I'd be here today.

I walked to the counter and started to brew some coffee in the jug.

"Want one?" I asked Ines. She turned around and thought about it for a moment. I waited quietly for her awnser.

"Yes, I'd appreciate that Jocelyn. Thank you." She laughed to herself, I smiled then continued to get the cups out the cupboard.

"So how've you found working at the diner? It was tricky for me the first week but I'm hoping things have been slightly different for you." She spoke chucking the ready made sandwiches into the three lunchboxes.

"It's been good. I can't say waking up early has been nice but apart from that I've not minded taking orders and moping up the floor after a long days shift." I said pouring the coffee in the cups then carefully bringing it to the island where she was. She grinned with relief and sat on one of the chairs.

"I'm so glad to hear that. That place isn't easy and the pay is just not enough. I still settle for it though because jobs are hard to get these days you know." She picked up her cup beginning to take sips here and there. I couldn't help but feel bad for Ines, she worked her ass of at that diner for penniesthat barely covered her expenses and the three of her children. She told me that she made it in life by making pot dinners in bulk. She meant things like casserole, soups, stews. She was smart thinking like that and it did allow her to have spare change at the end of the month for luxury items or toys for her kids.

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