Chapter 3 - Mr Luciano

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"Matteais are you ready?" Wheezy asked me, trying his very hardest not to sound rude. Although I had friends I'd known for many years, they still felt intimatidated by me. I wasn't that scary right? I probably am. When I shout each and every person goes dead silent. I don't know whether to like that or not.

I finished up doing my tie and buttoning my new suit that Rosa collected from the post box. It was a navy gucci handmade suit, imported from Milan, Italy. I even paid the extra cash for M cufflinks.

The way I presented myself to others, especially If their high up in the business mattered so much. I couldn't come dressed in some tee shirt and sweats - that just wasn't me. I gelled my hair back, touching the sides up with my comb and finally sprayed my burnt wood cologne by Jo Malone. This was my favourite.

"Good morning Wheezy. Did you enjoy last night?" I came out my room saying.

"It was good fun Matteais. That chick with the long hair was something else." He went all bubbly just talking about a girl he barely knew the name of.

"Clearly they were hair extensions, I prefer my women to be natural. I've fucked that one before on a drunk night out." I wasn't going to lie to Wheezy, he's my friend and I was an honest guy.

He looked at me for awhile as we both sat down for breakfast. I ignored him and persisted to drink my black coffee.

"Why is it that every girl I take slight interest in, has had sex with you?" He asked intrigued to know my answer.

I felt bad for him. He was a handsome guy but he needed to sort his life out. I've allowed him to live in my million dollar apartment in Central NY for nearly one year and for free too. That's probably why every girl doesn't wanna be his girlfriend. Most women want a man with money, who can give them what they want. Someone who's got authority in their life. I sound like I'm describing myself which I am, but that's not the point.

"It's because it's my club and those girls come to it very often, mainly after their pay day. My club is extremely popular so there's your answer." I replied brief and quick. I didn't want to talk about this anymore, something else was on my mind and it was pissing me off.

"That makes sense I guess. I'll find another woman it's okay." He reassured himself, then beginning to eat his bagel and eggs.

I suddenly realised that I have a meeting in 10 minutes and shot up out of my chair as If I was a rocket heading to space. This meeting was too important too miss, it was about opening a franchise in Italy. Cobra club was going to be a global success and Mr Zosi was going to agree with it going forward or I'll make him, so be it.

"I have a meeting that I urgently need to be at. Wheezy I'll see you soon!" I patted him on the shoulder rushing to get to my driver.

There shouldn't be too much traffic as it's a Sunday. I thought to myself sitting in the back of my black bugatti, I just can't be late.

I lit a cigarette to ease my thoughts of her. Why can't this woman get out of my fuckin' head? I don't even feel that attracted to her : she's not that gorgeous,
'get a grip Matteais.' I said to myself.

However I pictured her pretty face in the alley, along with her long curly hair, wet from all the rain that night. Even in the dirtiest of places she still was pretty and I hated that. And I could remember the taste of her lips - which tasted of bubblegum candy I used to get as a younger boy. I want her lips on mine again.

"Nearly there Mr Luciano. You alright there in the back?" Joe the driver looked so confused by me.

"All good Joe and thanks for the reminder." I gave him a thumbs up in the mirror at the front of the vehicle so he could see.

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