Who's that cocksucker???

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They heard footsteps coming near the stall. The door opened and they saw Foxy. "what the actual fuc-" Foxy said. But before he could finish Zking let out a burst of diarrhea which was so strong it propelled Foxy halfway across the world TWICE. Foxy then landed right onto Zking's dick and moaned. He smashed into Zking's dick so hard it cracked like a glowstick. Foxy was unconscious so Zking and Ameer decided to go home. The next day there was no school because it collapsed and was full with diarrhea. Zking played Roblox games (maybe anal sex too) and then called with Ameer and Foxy. "Hi cocksuckers" Zking said. "Hiiiiii," Foxy said with a voice that was so obnoxious it could make Ameer's boyfriend come back from the dead just to kill himself 5 times. "Hi baba boi," Ameer said with his cat voice. "He might as well just cosplay as one Jesus Christ." Zking thought to himself. "What do you guys wanna play??" Foxy asked. "Anal sex gam- I mean Princess tyco- I mean cocksuckers la- I mean Your mo- I mean soldier simulator, yes soldier simulator! Totally nothing else." Zking said. "You guys wanna go shopping??" Foxy shouted so loudly it could not be counted in decibels. "Okay, as long as you get a new mic you wish animatronic," Zking said. "I agree," The smelly cat said. Then they went on their way to the mall. Zking felt like he had to fart so he went to a public restroom. He let out a giant shit and then went to Ameer and Foxy who were buying candy canes. "Gimme one you fat fuckers" Zking said. "Ok lol," Ameer said and gave him one. Zking then rubbed it on his poop and started sucking on it. "Bit bitter," Zking said. Ameer and Foxy were so inspired they did the same. They licked it and almost died. "Ok you guys want smelly gay threesome armpit cat craigslist animatronic sex???" Zking asked then they went to Zking's house and got in bed. They took off their clothes and Ameer was ready to thrust into Zking's ass when Foxy said: "Wait I gotta do something" And he ran off. Then he came back in a femboy maid outfit and got on the bed, ready to suck some dick. Ameer thrusted into Zking and Foxy started sucking. In 20 seconds cum flew over the entire room and it had a velocity of 300 kilometers per hour. It shattered everything made of glass in the room and make holes in the walls. It was so fast it came from Zking's ass out his mouth. Zking threw up cum all over Foxy's outfit. Zking moaned so loudly it almost passed the loudness of Foxy's mic. The tiny pieces of glass shattered in half again. "MY FUCKING EARS!!!" Foxy and Ameer shouted at the same time like they were in an orchestra. Zking flinched due to the loudness and broke Foxy's dick like Ameer broke his dick like a glowstick. Foxy screamed again, possibly being louder than his absolute shit mic. Zking's ears exploded and cum came out of them. Ameer was spared because he got shielded with Zking's not-so-muscular chest. Zking's ears grew back and then they decided it was the end of the smelly gay threesome armpit cat craigslist animatronic sex. They all went home and decided to do it again the next day.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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