(2) New Life

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The next day Reese got moved into her brick loft that she had already put a deposit on using an old friend's credit card to hide all traces of her getting out of away from her ex husband.

"This is perfect.." she said as she began to unpack everything her friend had ordered for her to be delivered. 

She got her loft apartment set up and was able to sleep peacefully for the first time. The next morning she found her way to NYU hospital. The chief of residents Dr Trisha Bellamy gave out assigned attendings. 

Reese was put with the neurosurgeon Dr James Barnes IV or Dr Bucky Barnes so it was easy to not get him confused with his father. The small group gathered around him and were ready for rounds. His eyes landed on Reese and he nearly forgot how to breathe. 

"Lets get this day started shall we." He said as he motioned them to follow him. 

Later that day he saw her again in the cafeteria, and he zoned out as he munched on his apple witth his feet propped in another chair. It took Natasha pulling the chair out from under his feet to sit down to snap him back to reality. 

"Rude Nat." He said 

"Your the one that's rude." She said 

He made a mocking face at her before leaving, he walked over his residents.

"Five more minutes, we have surgery in 20. Dr Reese Richardson you come with me so we can get Mrs Burke ready for surgery." Bucky said 

"Yeah." Reese said 

She dumped her tray and left with him. 

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