(31) We Are Having Another

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Three months later,

Bucky and Emma invited the family and their friends over for what they believed to be a dinner. They soon realized it was something else. 

"Whats with all the star decor?" Bobbi said 

"Go on Austin tell everyone the big news!" Bucky said as he put their son up on a table. 

"Mama has a baby in her tummy." Austin said

"You're pregnant?" Winnie said 

"And we asked you all here to help us find out if the baby is a boy or a girl." Emma said as she passed out white t shirts. 

All of their family and friends stood out in the backyard, Bucky and Emma were blindfolded while the only two people  who knew was Sam and Wanda helped Austin shoot a water gun full of paint at everyone else. 

"Take off the blind folds." Wanda said as they began to shoot. 

They saw the pink paint. "Its a girl!." They all yelled. 

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