The city at the end of the game

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I landed on the edge of an island. I took a minute to look at my surroundings and saw an island not too far from the one i was on. I saw some pinky purple blocks and another variant of the end stone you could find everywhere in this dimension. It was an end city. Using some cobblestone i bridged over to the nearby island. There were thousands of endermen there so i just looked down at the floor so they wouldn't attack me.

I started my walk over to the end city when i felt someone touch my shoulder.
"Steve, are you ready for this?" DanTDM asked.
I nodded my head and Me, Dan, Ian, Jerome, Alex, Philza, Dream, rage, skeppy and Bad made our way over to the pink structure.

When we made it we walked to the entrance where two stupid shulkers were waiting for us. When i walked up close to them i put a totem in my offhand.
"Bleegh" The shulkers said and the lid opened and they fired thier spit at me. i hit one with my diamond sword but the other one hit me and i could feel myself levitating up in the sky.
"Great view from up here" i said jokingly as i toggled my hotbar to my water bucket.
"Be careful" i heard Alex say but it was a bit muffled by how high i was going.

When the effect finally ran out i could see my life flash before my eyes as i poured the water onto the floor to do the MLG that i had done probably like a thousand times. Then just as i landed, a shulker spat at me again. I tried to pick the water up in my bucket but by then i was already too high up. I looked through my inventory and noticed that i had no ender pearls o there was no way of me  falling to my death. When the effect finally ran out i felt myself falling and there was nothing i could do about it. i landed on the ground next to the water source and saw my totem of undying fly infront of my face.

Quickly i put my other totem in my offhand just before i got launched again. I eventually fell and landed in water and saw that the shulkers were dead. I picked up my water in my bucket and walked inside the end city.

"You're welcome"Ian said waiting for a thank you.
"Thx" i said and we walked up the stairs.

Then i realised something, we were missing someone. Then my phone dinged and i unlocked it, opened chat.
Philza fell from a high place whilst trying to escape shulker.
I ran outside and sure enough there was his stuff and also a shulker. I killed the shulker and picked up Philza's stuff as his body faded away for the last time. There lay a totem and i realised he must not have equipped it.

I knelt down and picked up the totem and walked back inside and saw ian looking through the chat on his phone.
"I'm sorry steve" Ian said putting his phone away.
"It's fine, it was stupid of me to think we were all gonna make it out alive" I said.

we walked upstairs and went up the ladder then there was the dreaded end city parkour. It was the hardest part of the end city. Eventually we got up to the loot room i saw a chest and an ender chest next to each other but there were two shulkers guarding it so i didn't bother. Ian walked over to the shulkers and started attacking with his sword eventually the shulkers died and Ian looked at the chest loot.
"This stuff is dog shit" Ian said closing the chest.
Then we made our way slowly to the top where everyone else apart from phil was waiting. Then we all headed up the stairs and looked at the ship.

"There it is" I said.
"Yh hope it's worth it" RageElixir said.
Then we all threw our enderpearls and hoped we would land on the ship.
I landed successfully but unfortunately i heard that spinechurnling sound of a notification. I opened my phone lockscreen and i opened Minechat and saw three messages that i really didn't want to see.

BadBoyHalo was sniped by shulker
RageElixir fell out of the world
SSundee hit the ground too hard.

Four people already dead, It hurt too much to see but i had to keep going.
I walked down the stairs and opened the brewing stand taking instant health 2 potions.
I saw the coveted room where you could get an elytra. The two chests the item frame holding the ability to fly in it and the shulker guard. I had to do this for all the people we lost. I slashed my sword out and critted the shulker out of existence.
I grabbed the elytra but nothing else all we came for was the elytra. That was when that voice returned.

"WELL DONE, YOU HAVE DONE IT COME BACK TO THE MAIN ISLAND YOU MAY NOW CHALLENGE THE WITHER STORM" The voie from earlier boomed but all i could think about was all the pain that everyone had went through and all the deaths.

How could i go on.

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