"Just know Etc" (SamxReader)

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You had never been so angry in your entire life. Not only had Sam lied about being out of prison for two years; he had also lied about his life being in danger. There was no deal with Alcazar. No debt hanging over his head. It was all bullshit. And you and Nathan had believed every word. Now here you were walking through the lost city of Libertalia with Rafe's men pointing a gun to your back. While Nate was lying unconscious by the side of a river; at least you hoped that was the case. He'd taken a hell of a fall off that cliff side but if anyone could survive it; it was Nathan Drake.

Sam walked silently beside you. Stealing the odd side glance but never daring to actually look you in the eye. You could see the guilt in his eyes; the sorrow. But it didn't make your blood boil any less.

This was a man you had loved since you were sixteen...a man you'd been through hell and back with. A man you'd mourned for after losing him fifteen years ago.

And it had all been lies.

Your mind swirled along with the dust and smoke that drifted into your lungs as you felt a body slamming against yours, quickly followed by another loud bang and rumble. Your throat burned as you coughed and wheezed away the cloud around you. Looking back at the collapsed tunnel behind. Rafe screaming orders at his men on the other side to find another way around and go after you and Sam.

"Come on (y/n), we gotta get outta here before Rafe catches up."

You chose not to answer as he grabbed your hand and pulled you along; twisting and turning to avoid any more exploding mummies. Finally emerging through a crack in the cliff side to an open ledge.

Grateful for the fresh sea air as you took a seat on a nearby rock in an attempt to catch your breath.

The tension between the two of you was deafening; Sam keeping his distance as he stood with hands clasped together. His eyes never leaving the floor. His mouth opening and closing before his deep mumbled voice broke the silence.

"Look...I uh...about everything that happened back there-"

"Just know, whatever you say next will piss me off no matter what."

"I'm sorry I lied okay! But how long have we been chasing this thing?! You, me and Nathan."

You rushed to your feet, your eyes cutting him deep like daggers.

"That's doesn't give you the right to lie Samuel! Not only have you been out for the last two years; but I thought your life was in danger. Do you have any idea how scared I was for you if we didn't find that treasure?!"

Sam's voice went quiet at your words, he could see the hurt in your eyes. He inches forward as if on glass; his calloused hands reaching for yours. At the touch your cold exterior melted just a little. Your heart warming as the you looked into those dark brown eyes.

"I'm sorry baby; and you don't have to forgive me right now-"

"Don't expect me too..."

"But we can still do this; okay? We can find Avery's treasure just like we were supposed too. I mean hell we found Libertalia! We can finish this; for good. We can find Nathan and we can finish this. Whattya say?"

You wanted to be angry. No, you wanted to be furious. You wanted to tell Sam that none of it mattered anymore. But that damn smirk was what brought you to let out heavy defeated sigh. Your hands slipping from Sam's grip and stroking his face; a smirk of your own fighting its way across your lips.

"Alright Sammy; lets go."

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