"Wow" Etc.... (Sam DrakexReader)

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You never thought you'd ever get back into the business of treasure hunting but after your old friend Chloe Frazer had called saying that Sam Drake was looking for a partner in crime while she and Sully worked on a job of their own in Cuba; you'd found it was rather hard to say no.

So that's what had brought you to this museum in France. A crowded auction very similar to one the Drake brothers had told you about in Italy; except this one was 100% legal.

The plan had been simple for a change; Sam had convinced you to be the lookout while he swooped in for the Artefact you'd come for.

The only problem was you'd already been here two hours and there was still no sign of Sam!

Already uncomfortable in an outfit you wouldn't normally wear, you clenched your fingers nervously the longer you were stood alone in a sea of people you didn't know. The armed guards stood by the exhibits with stone-like glares carved into their brows as they eyed the crowd for any suspicious activity and you were starting to get paranoid that they were watching you.

You had an easy vantage point for the artefact from where you were stood, and after the bidding started the room you were into would soon clear out.

So where was Sam and why was he taking so long?!

Your question was quickly answered when you felt a hand brush across your elbow; running down your wrist to take your hand.

"Hey, how we doing?" He asked quietly.

Turning around to face him, you froze for a second. Dressed as you'd never seen him before; well groomed and suited up complete with a tie that you swore was the same colour as your eyes. You couldn't help but wonder if he'd done that on purpose.

"Wow." You uttered earning a rather smug grin from him as he fixed his jacket sleeves.

"I know, I clean up well don't I?"

You rolled your eyes, pulling back removing your hand from his.

"Aaaannd you know how to ruin a moment too." You replied. Sam simply shrugged clearly unfazed as he pulled you close again.

"So you gonna answer my question? How are we doing sweetheart?" You didn't react to the unexpected nickname; pretending in your foolish way that this was strictly professional.

"Well, it looks like the auction will be starting soon; this mob will be tripping over themselves to get a front row seat." You explained, Sam never letting his gaze fall away from your lips as you talked.

"The guards will probably move on with them. I'd say that'll give us more than enough time to sneak around the back of the exhibit without them noticing." 

His features brightened with a confident smile as eyes scanned the room of people before falling back upon you.

"Then we'd better get moving..."

You were quick to snatch hold of him, your nerves clearly getting the better of you.

"Hang on Sam, we have to be careful! If they catch us; all hell will break loose."

He smiled again and you honestly didn't know where all this confidence was coming from, it was impressive; if not also slightly annoying. Your frustration only grew that much more when he leaned across to press a kiss to your cheek and winked before pulling away.

"Don't worry gorgeous; I got everything under control." He said with a smirk that left you breathless as he strides away; leaving you stunned. Crap...it was going to be a long night. 

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