"I said that? Etc" (SamxReader)

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Sam was always the first to get up in the mornings, whether it be the middle of the week or a lazy Sunday morning, not that you minded of course as he would always greet you with a smile, a kiss and a steaming cup of coffee. But after last night you didn't think he'd be getting up anytime soon. It had been Nate and Elena's 10 year Anniversary party; courtesy of Sully. Who surprisingly had planned the whole thing in secret. It had been a great night overall, you had gotten a chance to catch up with old friends and contacts from jobs gone by. Elena and Nathan both genuinely surprised by the whole affair. However, what you hadn't expected was for the brothers to both get absolutely blind drunk.

You crept upstairs, your tiptoes just barely grazing the floor. Your every movement careful and precise. Gently pushing the bedroom door open you move closer to the bed leaving the glass of water and aspirin by the side table. You took a seat on the edge of the mattress, leaning forward to poke the curled up balled that resembled your boyfriend.

"Morning Sammy..."

You bit back a laugh as he groaned in response to your whisper. The bed wobbling underneath as he turned towards you, slowly pulling the duvet from over his head.

"Ugh not so loud... I think I drank half the bar last night..."

"Mostly half the champagne..."

"I'm never drinking ever again!"

This time you had to laugh, you'd found the whole of last night's drunken escapades rather amusing.

"I don't know...I kinda like drunk Sam, he's pretty funny"

A look of concern flooded Sam's face, his eyes narrowing at your words.

"Why what did I do?"

"Well you spent most of the night dragging your brother around going up to people and attempting magic tricks. You said that you and Nathan were gonna take your magic act on the road and that everyone should call you 'Nate the Great' and 'Sam the Spectacular!'"

"I said that? Why didn't you stop me?!"

"Well I may have been a little busy laughing with Elena."

Sam sat up in bed, leaning forward with his head in his hands and letting out another groan of embarrassment. You couldn't contain your laugh any longer as it came barreling from your stomach and rumbling through your throat. Cackling like a witch so hard your stomach began to hurt. Sam peaked over the tips of his fingers at you; looking less than pleased at your reaction.

"Alright, laugh it up...like you've never done anything stupid when you've been drunk. What about your one-woman show to the soundtrack of Chicago."

"Hey I stand by that, it was a solid performance."

He merely huffed in response, sitting back with his head rested against the headboard. You smiled at his moodiness, sensing that maybe you'd bruised his male ego. So in an attempt to make up you shuffled closer to him; your fingers brushing away the unruly dark locks from his unkempt bedhead.

"I'm sorry baby, you know I'm only teasing and I brought you some aspirin."

You could see right through Sam's moody façade, his signature smirk inching across his lips. Crawling closer you snuggled yourself into his lap, arms snaking around his neck. Lips placing kiss after kiss across his nose, cheeks, forehead before finding his lips.

"You know, I think my favorite trick of the whole night was probably after we got back. The magic underwear disappearing trick..."

You let out a squeal when Sam suddenly grabbed you by your waist, twisting the two of you around until you found yourself pinned underneath him. His smirk wide and smug as his hands trailed down your sides. This was normally how every argument between the two of you ended. You could be screaming insults at each-other one moment and fighting for breath from kisses the next. Even after the many years you'd been together you could never see that passion fading. And it was one of the many things you loved about Sam and your relationship. You shivered when his voice dropped to an alluring whisper that brushed your ear making your heart race.

"Well Miss (L/n), I'm sure there's more magic where that came from..."

It was the perfect start to another perfect day. With the man you loved and the life you were ready to continue leading together...The one thing you'd never had with anybody else. It was love and you were grateful for very second. 

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