"I refuse Etc.." (SamxReader)

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Nathan sighed heavily as he watched Sam pace about his living room, his face darkened with the same stubborn look he was all too familiar with after the years they'd grown up together.

"Nathan I already told you; I'm not going!" Sam said bluntly.

"Come on Sam. Why are you making such a big deal about this? You might end up liking her."

He'd been trying to convince his brother to go on a blind date for almost an hour now and still Sam refused. You were a sweet girl; early thirties, smart and funny. A long time friend of Elena's starting from your college days, all the way through to working together as foreign corespondents, before Elena had eventually decided to take a more stable job at the magazine to settle down with her husband. That had left you to fill the role by yourself.

Traveling all over the world for the latest stories and discoveries. When she'd mentioned that Nate had a brother; of course you'd been interested to meet him. But that had been weeks ago and she'd hadn't talked about it since. Then Nate had called out of the blue a few days ago, claiming that Sam was totally up for the idea of meeting you....now he was just having to actually convince Sam himself that it was a good idea.

Sam glared at his younger brother; who unapologetically just smiled in response.

"Come on Sam; what have you got to lose?"

"I refuse to be tied down to anyone, not while I'm still doing what I do." He reasoned. "You of all people should understand that."

Nate scoffed at his brother's ridiculous logic; leaning forward in his couch. "Okay first of all; I met Elena while on a job; so you're not really making a point there and second, I'm not asking you to marry the woman, just go out on a date with her!"

Sam continued his pacing; his fingers twitching as his anxiety grew. Either from nerves or the need for another cigarette; he wasn't sure which.

"Elena says she's really nice...she's travels; she's fluent in four languages and I happen to know she quite the history buff when it comes to ancient Egypt AND pirates! She's perfect for you!"

"You're not going to drop this are you little brother?"

Nate simply smirked. "Nope."

His frame slouched slightly as he let a deep sigh of defeat leave his lungs before turning back towards his brother.

"Fine...I'll go."


Sam sat uncomfortably in his seat, his fingers pulling at the tie his baby brother had more or less forced him to wear after Elena had insisted that he 'look nice for (y/n), make an effort for her'. To which Sam had been slightly taken aback by the comment and wondered what was wrong with his usual attire but the young married couple had simply shared a look that the older Drake hadn't dared to question.

It was strange to him even now seeing his little brother married. Nathan was a husband. He had a wife. Not that he didn't approve of Elena, far from it. She was perfect for Nathan and he couldn't be happier that he'd found someone to take care of him as she did. Both in life and in the middle of a gun fight.

Sometimes when he noticed the looks they shared, a part of him couldn't help but be a little jealous. He'd a girlfriend or two in the years before being locked away in Panama. But no relationship had ever even come close to what Nate and Elena shared.

Sam wanted that. He'd thought through all his travelling and treasure hunting; it wasn't practical. The danger it carried and uncertainty of never knowing where he'd end up. But Nathan had made the point that that was how he'd met Elena. So Sam had eventually admitted to himself it was a possibility after all. It was one of the reasons he'd given in.

He was nervous now the longer he waited. His mind racing at all the possible outcomes of the evening. Would you change your mind and simply not show up? Or had you already turned up seen him and left? Did he have time to slip outside for another cigarette to calm his nerves.

Just as his hand drifted towards the pocket that held the pack of smokes, his eyes caught sight of you.

Dressed in a pretty summer dress finishing just below your knee; a simple style that fit in all the right places, your hair pinned and perfectly framing your face. Bright eyes and warm smile greeting him as you approached the table and in that moment; Samuel Drake could have sworn his heart skipped a beat.

"Hi, Sam Drake right? Elena's brother-in-law?" You asked sweetly as you leaned forward to shake his out-stretched hand. "I'm (Y/n). Glad we could finally find the time to meet."

"Uh...yeah. Sorry about that..." Sam stuttered as he took a gentle hold of your hand; guiding you gracefully to your seat. His nerves getting the better of him as he tried not to muddle his words. "Work's been...Um...crazy you know?"

"Oh I totally get it. I just got back from an assignment over in Italy. Guess I'm still a little jet-lagged...head's still kinda spinning. Although that might be more nerves than anything else." You rambled, a blush quickly deepening into your cheeks before you could stop yourself blurting out the words.

Sam couldn't help the laugh that escaped him. He was actually glad to hear that it wasn't only him that was nervous. But as soon as you asked about his travels to Libertalia; some of which Nate and Elena had filled you in on, Sam found he couldn't stop talking. His eyes lighting up at every exciting detail, arms stretched wide as he told you about the Captains mansions and the shipwrecks.

The passion of the chase just glowing from him. You gasping in awe and shock at every turn his story took. Asking question after question, that Sam was all too happy to answer.

The two of you completely losing yourselves in the story; so much so you managed to miss the waiter pass by for your order a good three times before he eventually gave up and left you to it. Only ever occasionally butting in to refresh your drinks. And as you sat there before him taking in every detail, Sam felt at ease. Totally confident with being nothing but himself. And as the night began drawing to a close; Sam found he didn't want to leave. And in all honesty neither did you. But Sam was sure of one thing....

Maybe blind dates weren't a bad thing after all. And the more he thought about it...second dates weren't that bad either. 

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