Ch 1: The Questions

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I bet you guys are wondering what this story is going to be about. Honestly, same. See I am a fly on the wall in a creative writing class. You read right, I am a fly. For some reason, they are in groups of four and I have never been so lucky with my current view. I will let you determine if that is sarcasm or not.

First is Sarah, she is super, well let's just say she is super friendly. Not like a nice friendly, but that adult-friendly if you know what I mean.

Then there is Johnny, he is just depressing. I have no other words for my gothic friend.

Next is Johanna, who is probably the next President of the United States. Beautiful, charismatic, hates the entire human race. She has my vote as soon as she releases her political campaign.

Finally, there is Mr. Awesome or Kenny. I believe that is a self-declared mad scientist.

This is the group of young adults I have chosen to watch today.

"Hopefully you are all wondering what this weekend's writing assignment is." the teacher started. "This weekend you will be divided into groups of four and have to answer one of four questions."

"What are the questions?" Johanna asked.

"The question," she replied, "is not whether you will love, hurt, dream, and die. It is what you will love, why you will hurt, when you will dream, and how you will die. This is your choice. You cannot pick your destination, only the path. This is a direct quote from Oathbringer, written by Brandon Sanderson."

So, do they have to write about a book, or do they have to read the book? I'm not reading the book.

"The point of this assignment is for each of you to find an answer to the questions in this quote." the teacher explained.

I looked around the group. Things were about to get interesting. 

"Well, the smartest thing to do is to divide and conquer," Johanna explained.

"Leave no survivors," Kenny yelled.

"Kenny shut up." Johanna hissed at him. "I will assign each of you a question, and you will each try your best to answer it."

It was pretty obvious that no one liked Johanna's idea, but what are we going to do? She is the president of that table and that table is a dictatorship. Johanna quickly gave each of them a question. I didn't think that we had to literally answer the question, but there they are.

"So, all we have to do is tell a story," Sarah asked.

"I guess so," Johanna answered.

"Well let me tell you about what I truly love." Sarah started. 

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