Chapter Two - He Wants Me Again

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Wilbur's POV

I wake up to the sound of yelling. Tommy.. I rise from my bed and peak my head around the corner of my doorway, seeing Tommy yelling at someone. I was still too tired to figure out who it was, so I just closed my bedroom door and got dressed. I went into my bathroom, brushing my teeth and splashing some water on my face to keep myself awake. When I lift my head, I see a figure behind me in the mirror. I blink a few times. "Quackity?" I ask, turning around suddenly. I feel two arms wrap around my back. "Hey there, Wil.." Quackity says, barely a whisper. I just stand there for a few moments before my wrapping my arms around him as well. "..What are you doing here?" I ask him, not expecting him to arrive at my house. "I wanted to show you something," He says, releasing me from his grasp. "follow me." He finishes his sentence and leads me out of the room.

We pass by Tommy. Oh no.. "WIL!! WHAT IS BIG Q DOING HERE? And why are you two..holding hands..?" He trails off. I turn around and mouth, 'I'm not sure, I'll be back soon.' Tommy nods and gives me a one arm hug before I leave with Quackity. Once we are a little while away from my house, I ask Quackity where he is taking me. "That's for you to figure out." He says, winking. My face goes pink at the sudden flirt. I chuckle, "Well, I have no clue where you're" My mouth drops open as we are standing in front of a tree with a bench, that shows the sunrise. "This is..from our first date. That was so long ago..." I say, shocked. Quackity turns to me, grasping both of my hands. "Wil, I know this is probably sudden, considering we haven't talked in such a long time." He starts. "Except yesterday." I say, winking. His face turns red, "Shut up and let me talk, will you?" He snaps. I laugh again, "Sure thing, Big Q." I smile. "Alright, I want us to start dating again." Quackity says, straight faced. My eyes widen, "A-Are you sure..?" I ask, cautious as to what he will say. His face drops, "I-I mean yeah! I've actually missed you, believe it or not." I shake my head, clearing my thoughts. " you even remember last time we were together? Everyone said we would never make it. Aren't you worried..?" I ask, panicky. Quackity lets go of my hands. "And do you believe what everyone said? That we will never make it? IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK!?" He raises his voice. I take a step forward. "Don't you dare raise your voice at me." I warn. "Or what? What are you possibly going to do, Wil? Kill me? I would like to see you try, that's for sure." He takes a step forward. I glare at him before smashing my lips against his, violently.

He takes a step back, before wrapping his arms around me. I grab a fistful of his hair, and tug on it. He lets out a noise, "You like that, huh?" I ask, brushing my lips against his. I look down at him, seeing his face turn red before he glares at me. "Shut up." He presses his lips against mine again. I walk forwards, bringing him with me. I open my eyes to see where we are going, pushing him down onto the bench. He grunts and pulls me down onto his lap. "Really? On the bench?" He asks, kissing me again. I smirk and bite his bottom lip gently. He releases a moan into my mouth and grips my shoulders. I slip my tongue in his mouth, playing with his hair. He rubs his tongue against mine, and tears at my back, leaving marks. I break the kiss, and take off my trench coat, letting it hit the ground with a thud. I help him with his tie and pull it over his head, then helping him with the buttons on his shirt. He takes off his suspenders, and belt. I take my belt off as well. I slip my yellow sweater off, and then my pants. He slips off his white button-up and pants. We sit there for a moment, waiting for the other to say something.

He speaks first. "So..wanna fuck?" I smirk and eye him up and down. "Well, what are you waiting for?" I ask slipping off my boxers. He smirks as well and slips his off. I spread his legs and lean my head down. He twitches and groans in pleasure. "St..Stop." He says and I stop. "What's wrong?" I ask, looking up at him. He looks at me and turns his head away. "N-Nothing, keep going." I hesitate before lowering my head again. After a while, he does the same to me. After he hits my sweet spot, I lose control, releasing in his mouth. "Shit..sorry." I chuckle. He looks up at me, licking his lips. "Mm, don't be." He smirks. After a couple hours of messing around, we finally stop. We are both lying on the bench, Quackity on top of me. I hear him panting before he says, "You're too good.." I laugh at his words, "Says you. You give head like a mad man."

After we get dressed, I walk him back to Las Nevadas. "Well, that was fun." I smirk at him. He lets go of my hand and nods. " was." He trails off. "What's wrong?" I ask, noticing the look on his face. He looks up at me, "You still haven't answered my question." He glares at me, this time not in anger. I trace my thoughts and remember what he is talking about, after lighting a cigarette. "Mm," I flick the ashes off the end of my cigarette. "yeah I wanna date you again. I think we could make us work. Second chances are what count, amiright?" I smile. His eyes widen and then soften. "Yeah, second chances count more then anything." He smiles. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" I ask him. He nods, "Yeah, see you."

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