Chapter Four - Official

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Wilbur's POV - 

I have been thinking about me and Big Q a lot. It's been a couple days since I last saw him. Our date was nice, but towards the end it was a little awkward. In all the time I've been thinking about him, I wondered if he wanted to become official. I decided to walk over to Las Nevadas. Tommy has been quite concerned about me. I think it's just because he misses hanging out with me, but I'm not entirely sure. Once I reached the front of Quackity's building, I put out my cigarette. Quackity hates when I smoke in his room, but he can smoke in his room? Hypocrite. I chuckle at that thought, then knock on his bedroom door. "Don't come in! I'm getting changed." He yelled. I opened the door, "All the better, sweetheart~" I flirted and saw his face go red. "Hi Wil.." He muttered, slightly angry that I walked in without a warning. "Hello dear." I smiled and walked over to him. "Here, let me help you." I said as I unbuttoned his shirt. I noticed a few new bloodstains. I frowned, "What happened?" i asked, pointing to the blood. Quackity looked down to wear I was pointing, "Oh that? It's nothing, don't worry about it!" He said as he slipped off his shirt. I moved behind him and straddled his waist. "Mm.." I kissed his neck. He shivered. "It's a little cold to not be wearing a shirt Wilbur..Maybe I should put one o-" I cut him off, "So you're saying you wanna be warmer? I can help with that~" I winked at him. He shivered again. "M-Maybe another time.." He trailed off. I dropped it and gave him one last kiss on the cheek. "Alright my Love." I said as I handed him a black t-shirt. "Do you wanna get under the covers with me?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed my hand. "Just take off your trench coat first, I don't want that dirty thing in my bed." He said. Ah, rich men.. "Sure thing hon." I said as I laid my coat over a chair. He was already getting comfortable into bed when I remembered why I came here in the first place. "Oh uh..can you wait just one second before getting too comfortable?" I asked. He sat up, "What is it mi querida?" Goddamn, I love when he speaks spanish to me... I could feel my face heat up a little bit. "Ah..I came over here for a reason. I have a proposal of sorts-" He cut me off. "You're proposing?? But..I'm engage-" He stopped himself before continuing, "I'm sorry Wilbur but..I don't think I want to get married. Proposals..they don't work out in my favour." He looked towards the ground. I laughed, "No silly, I came here to ask if you wanted to make us official!" I climbed into the bed with him. "Do you..? Want to make us a real thing? I think it would be lovely.." I asked him. He looked up at me, happiness written all over his face. I took that as a yes.

Later that night I felt a jolt next to me, which woke me up. I blinked a few times before I saw Quackity sitting up in bed. He was breathing heavily, and looked drenched in sweat. I sat up to console him. "Sweetheart what's wrong..?" I asked still half asleep. When I put a hand on his back, he flinched. That caused him to breathe even heavier. My heart sank. "Wil..Wilbur..? Oh my- You scared me..I'm sorry I didn't mean to- to wake you up. Go back to sleep. I'm alright.." He trailed off. I wasn't convinced in the slightest. I wrapped my arms around his lower half. "You had a nightmare..It's ok to admit it, I will never judge you." I whispered into his ear. I leaned my head against his shoulder. His cheek was hot. "You're burning up.." I whispered. "I know." He whispered, turning to face me. I wiped the sweat from his face and kissed him. "Come here." I said, lying down and bringing him down with me. "What are you doing Wilbur?" Quackity laughed. "I'm trying to make you fall back asleep." I said as I kissed his forehead. He smiled, "Well no need, I can fall asleep by myself.." He trailed off. I chuckled. "And that's why you're already falling asleep?" I muttered. His eyes slowly closed, indicating that he was in fact asleep. Later in the morning, I found out what Quackitys nightmare was. He explained it to me, in full detail. I nodded along, and didn't interrupt him a single time. "So, after all of that happened, you died. Right in front of me. And I woke up, panicking." Quackity said. My face dropped, "So when you woke up, you thought I was dead for a split-second?" I asked him. He nodded slowly and hugged me. "I know it's stupid..Trust me. I was just worried about you." He muttered into my shoulder. I smiled, "So you were actually worried about me, Big Q?" I joked. He punched my side. "Don't joke like that.." He said, letting go of me. "Sorry.." I muttered, then laughed. "Hey, why don't we go out today? Maybe have a nice lunch?" I proposed an idea, and Quackity clearly took interest in it when I saw his face light up. "I would love that." He smiled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2022 ⏰

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