Chapter Three - What are we doing?

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Quackity's POV

Today I was supposed to be helping Purpled out with something. I forgot that I promised him a couple weeks ago until Slime barged into my room. "QUACKITY OF LAS NEVADAS, QUACKITY OF LAS NEVAD-" He tripped on the rug. I arose from my desk to help him up. "Slime, what's wrong??" I asked, confused as to why he was screaming my name. "Purpled!! You were supposed to meet with him two hours ago!" Slime said. My eyes widened as I recalled in my brain, I was supposed to go see him. "Shit..I have a date..." I muttered. "A date? Oh! It's the 2nd of January!!" Slime piped up. I chuckled, "No no, a date! I'm supposed to meet with someone else." I said. "Ohhh, it's like a metaphor!" Slime said. "Kinda..I don't really know how to explain it to be honest.." I helped him up from off the floor and walked over to my closet. "So do you want me to tell Purpled you can't meet with him?" Slime asked, confused. "Yes, and tell him I'm sorry, but this is more important." I answered. Slime nodded and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I was looking through my closet, trying to find something nice to wear for me and Wilburs date, but couldn't find anything that didn't have holes or bloodstains.. I decided to go with an old black button up and some black dress pants. I was trying to decide which tie to wear when Purpled burst into my room. "QUACKITY!! WHAT IS SOOO IMPORTANT THAT YOU COULDN'T- Why are you getting all.." He looked at me confused. "Dressed up? Because I have a date." I finished his sentence. "A date??" He laughed. "With who?" He asked, still laughing. I rolled my eyes. "None of your goddamn business. Now, which tie should I wear? Red or blue?" I asked, holding up both of the ties. He walked away, cursing to himself. I shrugged and put the blue tie on.

I walked over towards Wilbur's house. I prepared myself before knocking on the door. Sweat was forming at my hairline, I quickly wiped it away. Wilbur opened the door with a smile, dressed his best in a white button up which was loosely tucked into black and grey pinstriped dress pants. "Hello there, Big Q~" He said flirtatiously. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand. "Where are you taking me, Wilbur?" I asked as he quickly locked the door. "Well, there's nowhere nice around here, so looks like we are going to Las Nevadas." He chuckled. He led me to a nice restaurant that I've been meaning to eat at but haven't had the time to. I know it's in my country, but I've had more important things to do. As soon as we walked in, I smelled nicely cooked food. Wilbur ordered a table for two, and sat me down. "Wow, what a gentleman." I joked. "Aw how sweet, Big Q thinks I'm gentle~" Wilbur flirted, which made me choke on my water. He laughed and waved the waitress over to our table. "What would you two- Oh! Quackity, what a nice surprise!!" The waitress said. I smiled, not knowing who this woman was. She went over the menu for us, which was kind but unnecessary. I ordered the best steak they had to offer. Wilbur ordered the best mutton they had to offer. After we finished eating and talking about god knows what, we left the restaurant. I left a nice tip for the waitress, seeing as how kind she was to the both of us. While Wilbur and I were walking outside, we saw fireworks in the distance. "Why are there fire.." I trailed off, remembering the ceremony I was supposed to help Purpled with. "Shit!! That's what he needed me for." I exclaimed, catching Wilburs attention. "What are you talking about Big Q?" He asked. I explained to him how I was supposed to help Purpled with something, and how I forgot it was a ceremony. "Ohhh, so you decided our date was more important huh? Is that what I'm taking away from this?" Wilbur asked smugly. I scoffed, "Tch, yeah right! I just wanted" I tried to think of what to say, but eventually couldn't. "Nevermind!" I waved my hands in the air, flustered. Wilbur laughed and slipped his hand into mine. "It's alright dear. Let's go to the ceremony, that way you don't feel bad for not helping." Wilbur said. I gripped his hand tightly, "Alright, let's go."

We finally arrived, only to be met with an empty stage. Foolish was helping Purpled clean up. I walked over to the two, quickly letting go of Wil's hand. "Hey guys! I'm so so sorry I couldn't show up-" I started only to be cut off by Purpled. "You aren't sorry! You were too busy doing whatever it is you were doing to even bother!" He yelled. Wilbur walked up to us, "What's going on?" He asked. Purpled and Foolish looked at him blankly. "What is he doing here??" Purpled asked, confused. "Ah, haha he's just-" I was cut off by Wilbur. "We are out on a date." Wilbur winked at me. "NO!! No, uh.. He means we are hanging together on the date haha..." I said awkwardly. Purpled just looked at us, "Whatever, I don't care what it is you two are doing." He walked off. Foolish smiled at us and followed after Purpled. "..What?" Wilbur looked at me, deadpanned. I stared at him, thinking of what to say. "Hanging out?? Is that what this is to you?" He asked, growing louder. "No, no!! It's just..I just-" "You what? You're afraid? What are you afraid of, Quackity!?" He started yelling. "NOTHING!! I just...What are we doing? Why are we fighting??" I looked towards the ground. Wilburs expression softened. He wrapped his arms around me, whispering into my hair. "I'm sorry...I just don't understand why you didn't tell them we are dating." I wrapped my arms around him as well. "You don't have to be sorry. It's my fault, I'm just- paranoid, that's all." I shut my eyes. "Well, we can be paranoid together." He kissed the top of my head. That doesn't sound too bad.

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