4. Changing Rules

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A/N//: So. Guys. I was writing this chapter, and I'm like. How old is Chris? I wanna compare him to the rest of the teachers at the school. And I looked it up. And ya know. He's 23. GUYS HE'S FUCKING 23. I'M 23. I started this shit when I was AMELIA'S AGE. WHEN I WAS A WEE LITTLE BABY AT 17. It feels so damn weird cause I've always picture Chris as an OLDER GUY. BUT HE'S THE SAME AGE AS ME NOW. Like WTF. (I feel like my age is REALLY showing in this author's note).

Idea Man Reacts: WE OLD AS HELL NOW! I feel so old once we found out how old Chris was... Because yes... We forgot... #WHEREDIDTHETIMEGO?!

Also. Thanks for the update reminders guys!


After three long years of avoidance, it felt strange to Christopher to stand in his father's office. It had been three years since his father had died, and three years since he'd stepped foot in there - well, aside from when he got Victoria arrested... And even then, he had only come to this room to face the news of his fathers passing. Before that, he hadn't truly set foot in this room since he was a boy, since before he had been sent away to boarding school. Sitting here now, with the last traces of Victoria finally - finally - gone... Well, he felt like he was in some sort of paradox. He stood before the large, solid oak desk. His fingers passed over its varnished surface as he realized just how truly gone his father was and just how truly lost Christopher was.

To say that he has no idea what he was doing would be an understatement. He was standing in the room that was the heart of the decision making process of the Academy. He had to start making the big decisions. He had to make changes. And here he was, struggling to perform his duty as a dominant. His and Amelia's relationship was better now, but it has started out rough. He hadn't fulfilled his duties as a Dominant. He had failed, and there were still transgressions he could atone for. So how did one expect him to run the Academy when he was still learning himself? Sure, he'd done all of his practical learning - college and career based things, but in his time here, he had never truly taken the time to become a proper Dominant. And now, he had to act like the leading force for the school that set the ground rules for both Dominants and submissives alike. He was fucking lost.

But fortunately for him, he was not alone. There was a knock on the door of his father's office, and he strode over to it before swinging it open. Before him stood three people. Three people who would be getting him through all of these changes and decisions that had to be made. Chris had requested all of their presences intentionally. Each of these three had wisdom and guidance to give him. Commonly nicknamed by the submissives of the school, "The Lion, the Temptress, and the Hippie."

Or so he'd heard.

The first was the Lion. Lyonell. The middle-aged man was one of Chris' first choices for counsel. Not only had Lyonell worked under the terrible regime that was Victoria, but he had also worked under his father. Lyonell had been working at the Academy since it opened its doors. He was knowledgeable in his field, if not an expert. Sure, Chris was hesitant to work with him because of his harsh and imposing nature - well, that and the fact that Chris had kind of, sort of broken up his marriage with Katherine. But he valued his wisdom more than anything. He trusted Lyonell to help get the Academy back on track.

The Temptress was none other than Priscilla. He wasn't sure exactly how that nickname had come around, but he could only assume it was because of Priscilla's appearance. The woman was beautiful. But not only that, she was also another vestibule of wisdom that Chris wanted to draw upon. She, like Lyonell, had worked under both his father and Victoria. She understood what this place had been before she had taken over, and she understood what it needed to become in order to remain open.

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