9. Eulogy

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A/N//: This is it guys. We're at the end. I'm definitely a strong supporter of epilogue smut, so please do enjoy the epilogue smut. <3 (Oh, and the happy ending).

Just needed to add. So. The title. Eulogy. Sissy over there was all like. "We need to write the eulogy." And I'm steady like. Wut. Wut du yu mean? She definitely meant epilogue and NOT the thing that you say at funerals. Sooooo. That's where the title came from. I promise we're smort cookies.



One year later... Summer of 2019

"You're so fucking dead," Amelia said, a gasp of pleasure echoing off of her lips.

Somehow, Christopher hadn't been home for more than two minutes, and Amelia was already flat on her back, her panties around her ankles. She didn't know how it could possibly fucking happen, but this was Christopher. The insatiable, sexually deviant Christopher.

God, she fucking loved him, but that didn't change the fact that she also wanted to kill him.

"What? I had to christen the new mattress. I couldn't just let it lay there on the floor so pristinely."

"You mean the expensive memory foam mattress that hasn't completely risen yet? I really think you could have. You're such a cock hound."

"You wound me, Mysha," he said as his head dipped back down between her legs. His breath was warm against her.

"It doesn't even have a sheet on it! What if it gets dirty?"

"I don't have to make you cum for it to be christened," he said devilishly.

Amelia pouted. "But I've been a good girl!"

Chris rolled his eyes. "Yes, you did get the living room unpacked without any help. Mind you, your ass looked absolutely delicious when I walked in the door. I simply couldn't resist you."

She lightly smacked his shoulder as she looked at him. "So that's why you pounced on me the second you walked in the door!"

He didn't bother to respond, and instead lifted himself from between her legs. He crawled up the mattress so that he was hovering just above her. In a swift movement, he took hold of her wrists in one hand and pinned them above her head.

"Did you just hit me?" he asked, a smirk sliding across his lips.

Amelia looked up at him innocently. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, don't you?" he asked, his head dipping down in the crux of her neck. He nipped lightly at her pulsepoint. "I think you're lying, Myshka."

Amelia hummed, her hips bucking up into his for that slightest bit of friction. "Maybe I am. Would you punish me if I was?"

He pulled away from her neck, both of his brows lifted in confusion. "What?"

"You know the Red Room is ready," she said, an ounce of satisfaction leeching its way into her voice. She couldn't hold back the tiny smile that was stretching onto her lips.

Christopher's actions spoke louder than any words could. It only took him a few short seconds to pull Amelia to her feet and toss her over his shoulder. Amelia, in return, let out a squeal of delight, her hands falling to the middle of Christopher's back so she could hold herself up.

Amelia had to admit that she was happy. It had taken them a long time to get to this point again. To get past the bumps in the road that had turned their already complex BDSM relationship into an absolute clusterfuck. It had taken a year of talking, therapy, and trust building to get them to any semblance of normal. Not that they'd ever truly be normal. Trauma had turned them into some pretty fucked up people, but they were actively working through it all together.

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