Chapter 16

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That night Rose went back to Brad's house tired as hell ,but she had missed her baby and needed to see her .Angie was in her room throwing around dolls and playing alone ." She smiled and entered the room "does my little Angelo want someone to play with?" . Angel looked up in her puffy pink dress and saw Rose and started giggling Rose always made the baby smile with only her presence .Angie tried to stand up but failed dismally making her pout Rose cooed at this .She sat down beside the cot bed, hurled up the baby and cradled her in her arms "how's my baby today ?"she spoke in a baby's voice as she swayed Angie who in turn yawned , Rose's eyes filled with love " Ro ro .." the baby mumbled while trying to get comfortable in Rose's arms " your mommy would be so happy to see how much you have grown" , she said thinking about the baby's birth mother . Angie finally fell asleep in Rose's arms , she tucked the baby in her cot bed and kissed her goodnight . After that she went to play. Brad was already asleep , two hours into his sleep , Rose scoffed " you win father of the year Brad , your child wasn't even tucked in and was still awake while you enjoy your peaceful night .". She moved around Brad's bed " a coup , you are quite smart Braddy ,one mistake though ,collateral damage , the people you are running over to get to your crown , one by one you are going to pay of each life you wasted away (shrugging) call it poetic justice " she spoke getting on the bed . The lights in the room started flickering , she laid beside Brad and whispered in his ear "you said you loved me Brady Boo ".Brad just fidgeting in his sleep , and that wasn't the reaction Rose was looking for ,so she sat up , got on top of him and laid on his chest , well that got his attention, he woke up with a jolt but something was pushing him down into his mattress , the lights kept flickering and the sound got louder " you said you loved me , how much do you love be Brady Boo ?" .The voice became hoarser and rougher " enough to die for me , you said ". Brad had once confessed his love to Rose saying he loved her so much that he would die for her , and now his love was being put to test . The light then went out completely and there was silence , then a bang of thunder was heard and the lightning , brought enough light for Brad to see what was pushing him back into the mattress , he saw long hair , then blood the thing was looking down so it's face was covered with hair then in a blink of an eye it looked up " well die!!!" it screamed simultaneously grabbing Brad's neck and choking him .Brad had froze from the sight in front of him , the eyes were void of an iris and there was blood coming out of them , and her mouth seemed to be filled with dirt ,that was revoltingly dribbling down her chin ,as she sneered showing off a very horrendous pair of canines , she kept on choking him " he tried to scream , to yell but nothing could come out of his clogged up throat " die for me then ,......just die !!!!!" It screamed but then it all stopped because of a piercing cry that was coming from the room next door. The ghost cracked it's head and looked at Brad , it brought it's face closer to his it reeked of death, it whispered" maybe next time Brady Boo" . The lights flickered back on and she was gone .

Brad started coughing heavily , as he tried to catch his breath , he ran to the bathroom and drank some water .His neck was still very sore from what just happened, he thought it was just a dream but when he looked in the mirror , there were bruises of strangulation .He knew he was getting haunted but today's haunting was too extreme this ghost meant business and if he didn't do anything about it , it was truly going to kill him . He fell to his knees ,holding his head , shit just got real , this thing was after his life now. Rose appeared near Angie's room , she fell down breathing heavily and the first thing she did was laugh , she laughed in hysterically and leaned on the wall to catch her breath " that was fun " it drained her ,the blood on the corner of her mouth showed that, that haunt had taken a toll on her soul , she licked it off , with venom in her eyes " there's more where that came from Braddy boo , stay tuned " . Her conspiring was stopped midway by the crying baby she stood up and entered the baby's room .She took the baby from the crib and carried her ,she swayed Angie and she stopped crying " did you do that to save daddy?".Angel laid her head in the crook of  Rose's neck , Rose rocked the baby and frowned " Brad doesn't deserve you".

The next day Brad looked terrible he hadn't slept and his eyes looked like they had sunk in within a night . Rose appeared in his room, seeing him in a corner ,fidgeting like a  Chihuahua the paranoia was killing him, pity wasn't something she had left for this man , because despite all his struggles and what he had to deal with every night for the past year and half the man still went back to killing , no amount of suffering seemed to be enough for him to stop , so Rose revelled in his pain , that pain that he solely deserved if the law enforcement couldn't punish him , she would take matters into her own hands . His phone rang and he answered it while Rose looked at her rose vineyard that was growing outside . " Tonight's target Ponzo, rendezvous at his mansion, 8 o'clock , l wouldn't be late if l was you , you are weighing on boss's patience ". Brad sighed writing down the details " I'll be there , ....l'm fine , don't worry about me ,l'm coming over ." He stood up going to bath looking like he had fought a lot of wars in that one night Rose rolled her eyes " you are being over dramatic you wimp ".She memorized the details and went to see her princess before leaving the house .

She appeared at Maxfield apartment and didn't see him in his living room " Maxfield , .....(appearing in the kitchen) Jace.... " she kept appearing and disappearing , popping up everywhere , then on her fifth jump she collided with a wall .She cursed as she was falling but a pair of hands held her against the wall or what she presumed to be the wall but it was actually the man of the moment himself " know for a ghost , you suck at foretelling shit , you should watch were you're going next time ".Rose looked up at the beast of a man in front of her , her breath hitched he had cut his hair short and the moustache was history ,along with the goatie , the lack of hair accentuated his looks , he was truly handsome Rose knew this but it was still shocking to see him in such a state .She pushed him off her and mumbled looking at anything and everything  but him " l'm a ghost not a clairvoyant ". Maxfield shrugged " l wasn't aware there was a difference ". Rose huffed under her breath " brawns and  no brains great ". Maxfield chuckled "l will have you know l was first in my class ". Rose rolled her eyed " you seem to be in a good mood today , that's good ". Jace nodded "yah enjoy it while it lasts " . Rose walked to the sink and saw the bottles of liquor around the place , she wrinkled her nose " well then you should probably clean up you house then , or better yet move out.  This apartment is not pleasing to the eye ". Maxfield started picking up the liquor bottles and putting them in the trash "l chose this apartment for a reason and it wasn't to appease your eyes ," .Rose was opening the curtains " and what was the reason ?" . Maxfield sighed still shirtless by the way " no one would look for me here , incognito , l like how its private and people aren't all up in my business " he said with a chastising look at Rose while snatching the comb she had picked up from the floor .Rose nodded,understanding what he was saying  Maxfield dumped the trash bin outside the apartment "so what brings you here ?" He asked throwing himself into his couch Rose then remembered why she was there " oh yeah ,they are ambushing the minister of home affairs Ponzo today at 8pm at his mansion ." Maxfield face cracked into a smile " finally some action ". Rose gave Jace the reprimanding look " only injure the bad guys Maxfield ".Maxfield raised his hands in surrender with a sly smile " okay okay ,l will just kill the bad guys ". Rose rolled her eyes tried to move away from the window but felt weak , she almost fell but Maxfield caught her " whoa , there ....are you okay ?" Rose felt weak , so weak she had to lean on Maxfield for support " de javu " she mumbled trying to lighten up the mood, Maxfield remembered the same incident happening almost two years ago .He led her to the couch and laid her down . "you look pale ( Rose gave him an incredulous look ) okay l mean more than usual that is , do ghost fall sick? " . Rose was breathing heavily as she she tried to figure out whatever was happening " l'm drained "Maxfield didn't know what to do he got a hot towel but it only went through her ."how do l take care of a sick ghost". She shook her head weakly " l'm not sick ,l need to recharge ", she said the moment she closed her eyes she disappeared. Maxfield was a little bit concerned , though it seemed stupid to be concerned for a ghost , she really did seem to be in pain .He sighed and sat down on his couch , he hoped she would get well  before the break in , but if she wasn't , he was going to go by himself .

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