Chapter 42

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They finished supper and  as they were being served dessert Maxfield looked at them "l have a pressing matter l need to discuss with you gentlemen and ladies , if l may ?". He said looking at Ano who rolled his eyes ,Jace smiled taking that as a go ahead to continue . "As you already know lm a detective constable and a year ago my job cost me my family ," he spoke with a straight voice not even wavering a bit although his words had a rippling effect in everyone who was listening even Rose she looked at him with shock evident in her eyes and uneasiness , 'what the fuck was he doing ' she thought . He went on laughing a little to break the tension "l apologize for bringing my sob story to your home  but l figured if l am to date the sister of a mafia lord might as well let the cat out of the bag. ". Antonio took out his pistol and placed it on the table " aghh so you decided not to beat around the bush detective ". Jace smiled looking at the rifle " l am a detective gentleman l knew the temariro family wasn't just into real estate lm not that daft(Tric looked down in shame at that), but lm not here to arrest or confiscate anything .....", Juan scoffed also placing his pistol on the table "as if you could ". Jace smirked " you are right l admit lm outnumbered and outmatched therefore (he put his two guns on the table and his badge and dagger on the table ) if you can't beat them join them "He spoke clasping his hands together "the mafia gang that killed my family are the cobras and l have been trying to catch them since  but we all know the cobras are rodents , if l ever see one there would already be dead , and from what l have gathered they die from the hands of the daredevil mafia Temaririo , so l have gathered that the system is rigged to favour those affluent enough to control it therefore l have no power whatsoever as a detective , l want the cobra Don dead and l cannot do that as a cop so why not as part of a mafia ". Tric was shell shocked , Helena was trying her best not to break character because Jace had just fucking jeopardised everything she had worked for and might just get his head blown off ,Ano and the rest of the men just looked at him as if he was mad . Ano broke the silence by breaking off in bursts of laughter ,it started as a chuckle and ended up as a crescendo of laughter , he literally had tears in his eyes .
"what a turn of events detective, you made my night , so what gives you the idea that we are willing to take in police mutt we must look like a fucking joke to you ". Jace smirked placing his head on his hands "because you need me , the other rats you have in the government are literally useless l could take out all of them with flick of a finger if l wanted to and nobody has more influence in the  Police department than me ,l could prove useful to you in fact lm positive l will be useful ".

Antonio looked at his men around the table Maxfield wasn't  wrong he was like the gem of the Police Department and not having him as an enemy would prove very reliable but at what cost? . Ano clicked his tongue and stood up "how about we move to the living room room for a drink ?"he said holding his hand out to his fiance to take , Jace smiled victorious . He had literally thrown himself to the wolves but desperate measures needed to be taken  . They all relocated to the living room where there was fireplace and the room looked warm and cozy Antonio left the room and  returned with a pistol and a bulky man following behind him . "Ladies and Gentlemen how about a game of Russian roulette ?" he said with a smirk on his face .

 "Ladies and Gentlemen how about a game of Russian roulette ?" he said with a smirk on his face

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