Chapter 39

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Christian's smile was blinding  Helena got out of the car and leaned on the door looking at the man advancing towards her getting straight into character " careful love ,you might just trip ". Rose looked at Helena who played the role flawlessly eyes cold she looked like a queen , the mafia queen she fit effortlessly into the family it was slightly concerning .They had made her wear contacts to match Rose's eyes color .Christiano got to the car and hurled Helena off the ground earning a chuckle from the recipient ," bienvenido mi reina to my humble abode  " Helena laughed so flawlessly "put me down you animal , humble ,is not the word l would use ".Christiano grinned "are you impressed?". Helena smoothed out her dress and looked at her fiance " after having my head used as a bullet point on Friday its gonna take a whole lot to change my impression of you ". Christiano frowned ,groaning  "l almost forgot about that perdona (forgive me ) mi àmor it will never happen again this place is heavily secured you are safer in my walls come on in " Rose was waiting for those words an invitation would open the field holding the house .She braced herself and passed the threshold squinting waiting for something to happen but nothing happened ,she opened her eyes to the emmaculate mansion. But before she could even appreciate the decor ,she felt it , dark ,sinister and lurking , she looked around ,she shuddered as she felt extremely cold she moved further into the house and the cold increased .Helena was trying her best to keep her attention on Christiano but she noticed Rose's guarded stance . Rose looked up the stairway and she gasped ,like dark smoke it floated eyes red as it circled around the room ,others seemed oblivious to the creature spreading utter fear in Rosetta she studied its form "what the fuck  ,you've got to be kidding me " As if sensing her presence it darted for her , Rose gasped running towards Helena who's eyes were wide while staring at the advancing frantic woman. Rose took a note to apologize to Helena after this , the wraith was hot on her heels she just closed her eyes and fell into Helena .If it was another person she would have fell right through but Helena's body held her in . She almost fell , Ano caught her "whoa are you okay my love ?". Rose opened her eyes and looked around the place the wraith had disappeared or she couldn't see it through the eyes of a human ,she finally registered Ano's questions when she looked at his concerned eyes , she smiled standing up straight "just tired it's been a hectic couple of days ,l just need to rest ".Ano smiled hurling her up in his arms "I'll take you to your room" she didn't object to Ano's pleasant offer ,maybe because in her head Rose was screaming fuck l'm screwed over and over again. He let her rest giving her a kiss on her forehead he left her .Christiano went downstairs with kick to his step , Brad was  coming out of Angel's room with her in his hands

" lf l would take a guess l would say ,she's here" Ano nodded with a contagious smile on his face that actually made Angel giggle earning a head rub from her uncle

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" lf l would take a guess l would say ,she's here" Ano nodded with a contagious smile on his face that actually made Angel giggle earning a head rub from her uncle . Brad kept on staring at him as if seeing a stranger earning a raised eyebrow from Ano ,Brad chuckled "the devil has a heart , color me shocked ". Ano grin disappeared " Hermano you are just much a devil as l am somos demonios!!!  , but that didn't stop you from starting a family did it, while the Don made me crawl in blood (he seethed ) you found love , twice might l add ,and you let it slip out of your fingertips ,so sue me for wanting to be loved for wanting something pure in my life something not spoilt by the Temariro bloodline ". He said the last part cussing in Spanish "joder esto"  .

At Maxfield side he had finished setting up his crime board ,he opened up a bottle of whiskey and  took out one of the boxes he had brought and carefully carried out the flower vase with the rose inside . He placed it on the table ,he was bored so he started counting petals well ,tried to ,in his struggle to count a petal fell and he frowned "one day gone ",he muttered but then his heart dropped as thirteen petals followed after that one .He cursed standing up and calling Helena , when Helena didn't answer he called Rose and it went on voicemail "why the fuck do you have phones, if you don't fucking use them !!!!". He paced biting his nail thinking  "she wouldn't jeopardize her life unless something actually happened " He picked up his gun and phone and car keys and left the house . He met up with Beatrice for a lunch date "you said you would explain yesterday's altercation lm all ears". Tric looked like a deer caught in the headlights she swallowed and sighed sipping her juice , Maxfield had visited her at work and took her out for lunch . "My brothers own a lot of companies including real estate therefore they have a lot of enemies and yesterday those people were sent by someone who was either mad about some land that my brothers managed to snatch ,legally (she emphasized ) l know you've had rumors or even heard of the tall tales about mafias and all that nonsense but my brother is a hard working honest businessman ,and lm sorry about yesterday but you don't have to worry ". Jace looked at her throughout her whole ramble she wore the innocent look professionally she was good .He perked up when she finished talking holding both her hands "how can l not be worried when your brother is clearly reckless and might just get you killed ,lm gonna need more reassurance than that " Beatrice was looking at the way Jace was stroking her hands and the worry in his eyes she smiled "well how about l invite you to dinner at my brother's villa tonight , that way you won't have to worry about me ". Jace smiled kissing her knuckles "it's a date ".

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