Chapter 46

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"What do you mean she disappeared ,like she went somewhere or ....." Jace stood up from the couch he was lazing on panicking ,he ran upstairs ,heartbeat in his mouth at this point ,he was shaking that's how scared he was Helena was whimpering on the phone "no she...was.... hurt ,she fell down and ....just disappeared ", she sputtered hysterical .He got into his room ,eyes centering to the flower vase ,he fell on his knees with a sigh of relief "fuck......Don't scare me like that " Helena wiped her eyes and snort and sat on her bed taking a break from her worry pacing "what do you mean is she there ,is she fine ,god...Maxfield she looked pretty beat up ".

Jace moved closer to the flower vase scrutinizing it "did you say she was injured , how , was she burnt in any way ". Helena stood up hand in her hair worried sick "yes ,yes half her neck was burnt pretty bad there was smoke coming from her , so is she there is she fine? ". Jace's heart had steadied he knew as long as the rose was alive she too was somewhere so he assured Helena in a more composed manner "she's hurt ,that's for sure (he mumbled seeing a burnt petal fall from the bud ) but she's alive ,and no she's not here I'll update you if anything happens don't worry too much Helena your body is still quite fragile l don't want to send you back in the ER ,she'll show up soon ".Helena nodded along with his words "okay I'll trust your words ,l mean she wouldn't abandon me in this scary house .....(she thought for a second ) would she ?". Jace sat on his bed and chuckled "she wouldn't do that to you ,she's loyal ,she keeps to her words so worry less hey ". Helena sighed "l trust her with my life ,but she should really give me a heads up next time before she disappears because what if ......"she stopped blabbering when she noticed she had treaded into a sore subject "'s the last time .....(Jace felt his chest become heavy as he replied her ,he cleared his throat) don't worry she'll tell us when the time comes ". He needed to be strong ,they both did ,if not for their own sanity then at least for Rosetta ,she at least needed them to be in the right emotional state if everything was to go as planned .

Helena hung up after thanking Jace , she fell on her bed mentally and emotionally exhausted ,she was quite bored and hungry so she left her room and started her journey to find a kitchen in the maze of a house . She walked into different rooms trying to find at least someone who could at least tell her where she was going , be it fate , Destiny or just a coincidence she passed through a open door that caught her attention because it was very colourful spotting bright pink walls a total contrast to the dull grey and black of the whole house , she soon found out who the owner of the room was , rising from a pile of dolls beside her crib .Blue stared at Hazel they're eyes met and for a second Helena thought the kid was gonna cry but the little thing just gave her a blank stare as she dived back in her pile of dolls . That made Helena giggle ,"aren't you an adorable one ",she said entering the room , she kneeled a few metres away from the crib so as to not scare the baby . The baby fidgeted to the sound of her voice but didn't turn to look at her she seemed to be looking for something . Helena was entranced by this small creature with two ponytails in a purple and white princess dress on "hello baby Rose "that peaked the baby's attention ,Angel turned her full attention to the stranger , now bouncing clapping her hands "mama mama". Helena smiled with affection at how the baby reacted to just her mother's name,let alone seeing her . Helena braced herself and moved closer to the baby and picked up a bunny holding a rose "mommy". Angel tried to stand but wobbled and fell ,but she tried again and slowly took steps towards Helena ,and took the bunny repeating what Helena had said "mommy ".Helena opened her hands hoping the baby could let her hold her .Angel looked up at Helena and walked into her embrace ,Helena let out a breath she didn't know she was holding as Angel settled in her hands .She stood up with Angel in her hands and hugged the child "your mother loves you so much little one so much".Angel didn't fidget she let the nice lady cuddle her .Angel's room was huge with assortments of toys and indoor playground a bed plus the crib ,they didn't fall short on getting her everything ,but as Helena lay with the child on the bed shooing her to sleep she realised that all the child wanted was love and attention ,none of the artificial stuff in the room would do that for her. She fell asleep besides the baby forgetting all about the food .

At Jace's side he kept on trying to call Rossetta to no avail . He was getting frustrated having come to the revelation that what he was feeling for Rosetta was not just mere intrigue and curiousity but actually love for the woman was overwhelming and also quite heartbreaking , the last thing he wanted was to give his heart away for it to be ripped out in a few weeks that was inevitable ,it was going to happen whether he liked it or not , his stupor broke when his phone started to ring  he replied in haste thinking it was Rose but to his displeasure "ohh you're quick l like that in my men , l just sent you the location get there quickly ".Jace wanted to snap at the narcissistic snob but a lot was hanging on this so he conceded "on my way ". He opened his briefcase and stared at his badge and sighed picking up his gun and pocket knife and closed the briefcase .

He drove his car to a location he knew too well as the cobra turf , questions were running in his mind contrary to his face which was stoic , he got out of his car catching a glimpse of Christiano's back, he walked over to them Ano turned with a g...

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He drove his car to a location he knew too well as the cobra turf , questions were running in his mind contrary to his face which was stoic , he got out of his car catching a glimpse of Christiano's back, he walked over to them Ano turned with a grin on his face " amigo're here right on time you are familiar with the Don of the Cobras right , Gustavo ,". Gustavo was sitting on his high chair looking pissed ,extremely pissed "What is the meaning of this Diablo , you barge into my turf injuring my men ,you provoked me enough when you killed my Capo ,this is War Diablo l'm coming for your family ". Ano smirked " yet here l am unharmed , l would watch my tone if l was you ( Gustavo's eyes widened behind him stood Ano's henchmen holding a gun to his head ).

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