《The Battle Of New York》I

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YEAR: 2012


I moved my toys and books as I climbed up onto my dresser. Mommy and Daddy were fighting again about something I couldn't hear. I stepped up on my dresser and listened through the grate in my wall. If I was quiet enough Mom and Dad wouldn't know that I was listening in.

"We have to wait a little. The market's gonna turn around and everything else be fine."

"Okay. We have to sell the penthouse." I heard Mommy say.

"No. We don't." Daddy said back "That's, that's-"

"-What? An actual solution?" Mommy said and she sounded like she was mad. "You know what? Maybe growing up in this place, you got used to the idea that a solution will just fall out of the sky. But it won't Derek. You've got a daughter to think of."

"I've got it under control, Eleanor."
Daddy argued back.

As I readjusted myself to hear better I kicked a firetruck toy on my dresser off of it. It thunder on the ground and suddenly all the arguing stopped. I put everything back as it was and laid on my bed and stared out the window. Then a heard a knock on my door and it opened.

"Kate?" Daddy asked as he opened the door. I just ignored him and pretened to sleep.

"Coming in." Daddy said as I still ignored him. "You shouldn't eavesdrop." Daddy said standing in my room.

"Then how would I know what you're saying when I'm not there?" I said not opening my eyes or turning over. Daddy chuckled a bit then replied.

"I don't know how to argue with that. How much did you hear?" He asked.

I finally opened my eyes and sat up looking at Daddy. "I don't want to move."

"That much, huh?" Daddy said as he sat down on my bed. "We don't have to."

"How do you know?" I replied sadly. "Mommy said things don't just fall from the sky."

"Well, yeah, but there's always gonna be weather. Some people forget the one thing they can control, the choices they make in the face of it."

"What would you do in a hurricane?" I asked Daddy.

"I would do what I always do." He replied. "Protect you."

Daddy then got up, off my bed saying "Now, why don't you go have some lunch with your mom?" And just before he was about to leave the room he said "Think fast." And threw a Ball at me and I caught.

"I'll be downstairs in my office."

I then sat down for a couple of minutes and fiddled with the ball and then went downstairs to have lunch.

"Mommies can be pretty fun, too, you know." Mommy said and I looked up from my plate. "I bet you didn't know J could do this."

Mommy stuck a bit a carrot on a fork and hit it with her hand then caught it in her mouth. I laughed, trying not to choke on the food in my mouth.

"Made you smile." Mommy said eating some carrot properly. "Come on." Mommy then said. "Why don't you go grab the checkers? We can liven things up."

"All right." I responded getting out of my seat.


"Yeah." And I went off to my bedroom.

"Okay, I'm going downstairs, I'll be right back."


I got to my room and grabbed the checkers from in a toy basket, underneath my toy shark. I then heard a whooshing sound as I was about to set up the checkers. I looked behind me and out my window but saw nothing. J then heard a thud and jumped a bit. I then looked behind me and saw an explosion and things in my room moved because of it.

I got up off my bedroom floor and looked out my window but didn't get a good enough look before another explosion hit.

"Mommy!" I said while walking towards my bedroom door.

"Mommy? Mommy, what's happening?" As I exited my bedroom.

"Mommy?" I said and walked across the landing.

"Daddy, where are you?" I said as I looked in Mommy and Daddy's bedroom, but they weren't there. I turned around and saw a weird flying thing.

"Dad?" I said as I ran down the stairs.

"Dad? Daddy, where are you?" I ran around the dining table looking for Mommy and Daddy.

I looked out the window and saw some weird beasts flying and more explsions I and yelped.

"Mommy?" And then I screamed as the whole penthouse shook. I covered my head and as the dust cleared I saw there was no major damage done. I walked through and across the hall. I then saw there was a hole in the lounge wall and I could see what caused all the explosions.

There was fighting outside and everything. There was lazers and weird hovercrafts that aliens were riding. I saw that the new Stark tower that we could see from the lounge windows had been damaged, and a weird beam of light was shooting up from it.

One of the alien things were coming strait towards me when it spotted me and I covered myself. When I heard and explosion and didn't feel anything I looked up to see the alien thing wasn't there anymore.

As the fire cleared I saw a guy with a bow and arrow, fighting off the alien things and as they were shooting at him he ran and jumped off the building as he shot an arrow and swung into the building he was just on top of.

"Kate!" Mommy said as she came up behind me. "We have to get out of here." She then lifted me up and ran.

I yelled so then I was sure Mommy could here me and said "Is Daddy okay?" And we had just gotten far enough out the penthouse before the chandelier fell and more destruction was caused.


The roof then caved in.

"Dad! Dad!"


A few weeks late after the destruction was cleared up, Mommy and I found out that Daddy died that day. Mommy organised a Funeral for him and at the end kf it Mommy and I stayed behind after just to sit.

"What if they come back." I ask Mommy, scared of what could happen In the future.

"They won't come back." Mommy replied.

"How do you know?" I ask looking at her. Still scared about what happened that day.

"Because the heroes showed them what would happen. And even though this is scary, I'm still the luckiest woman in the world because I have the greatest little girl in the world. Who is not that little." Mommy said and she then kissed my forehead and hugged my and we looked at the photo of Daddy.

I then thought of something and looked over at Mommy.

"I need to protect us." I say and then inhale shakily.

"Kate, that's my job." Mommy argued back. "Okay? Whatever you need, I'm here for you."

I thought for a second, then remembered the guy on the roof.

"I need a bow and arrow." I said looking at Mommy.


Okay, I am very proud to say I have updated 2 days in a row. So yay! Another thing is that this will be a book completely in first person because it will show the character development between the three using first person. So I will do the End of Hawkeye from All three characters points of view.

- Rachel

Uploaded: 30/12/21
Words: 1224 (Counting everything in the chapter, so like the authors note as well as the actual story)

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