《Destruction at it's Finest》IV

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I really can't believe a teenager could do so much damage. Like, I thought Cooper could be reckless when playing with Nate or annoying Lila, but damn, this kid apparently named 'Kate Bishop' is reckless.

Clint lets go of Kate Bishop he looks her up and down before deciding on what to do.

"You're a kid," Clint says and turns away to look at me. I just give him back a look to say 'What the fuck am I supposed to do? I don't know who the fuck she is.'

"My God." Is all he says after a couple of seconds.

Kate just stares at Clint before he turns back and I ask the question, I think both Clint and I wanted an answer to.

"How did you get this suit?"

Kate, still gasping, looks between Clint and me with a worried expression on her face.

"I. . ." She gasps out and Clint sighs as I turn as we hear sirens getting closer.

"Lookit. We gotta get you out of here. Okay?" Clint says, finally coming to a decision "It's not safe for you to be in this. Do you live near here?"

"Yeah. I live just . . ." Kate manages to gasp out.

I look on, worried that even if we manage to get Kate out of here, she might still get wrapped up in all of this.

"Kate, do you happen to be related to the owner of 'Bishop Security'?" I ask, possibly knowing where she was tonight, and maybe where she got the suit from.

"Yeah, my mom. She's the owner." Kate says while Clint shoots me a glare.

"Look, Clint, if her mother is the owner, she was probably at the fancy Christmas party that the explosion happened at. Okay? I just wanted to get background info." I say shooting a glare back before going over to Kate, grabbing her bag and helping her, so none of us get caught. 

"Okay." Clint grumbles while I hand Kate her bag.

"Here, take this. Are you okay?" I say making sure while looking back at Clint, worried about things like a concussion.

"I'm really fine. I. . ."

"Come on. Let's go." Clint says grabbing Kate and I's shoulders trying to hurry us along.

"I saw a dead body." Kate says, and I just hug her, knowing what she was going through.

"This way." Clint says leading Kate and me along.

"It was a first." Kate continues, clearly in shock from what happened.

So we were on our way back to Kate's place, staying inside back alleyways to avoid being seen by the tracksuit mafia and the police.


"So, where'd you learn to fight like that?" I asked Kate as we walked up to a pizza place.

"I, uh, started taking martial arts when I was five." Kate replied and I looked over at Nadia knowing she started, by force, at about that age. She just looked in shock. Both she and I knew, that no child should deliberately want to opt-in to martial arts at that age.

"Wow. So, like, a year ago?" I said, and Nadia shot me a glare because of my sarcasm, but as someone walks toward us, Nadia turns to look at them. Kate though quickly catches on to her actions.

"Are. . . Are you assessing threats? Is that what you're doing?" Kate asks Nadia as she sees what she's doing.

"Something like that." Nadia replies sharply. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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