《The Murder of Armand Duquesne》III

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As more people arrived to the Christmas party I watched my Mom and Jack converse and drink champagne as waiters passed by and told me to get back to work even though I wasn't working there. I now only realise it was a bad idea to wear a fully black tux. Some weird jazz music was playing as another waiter passed me and told me what felt like the thousandth time.

"Uh, get back to work."

I just casually ignored him and watched my mom and Jack talk to guests and just themselves. I could here my mom laughing and I couldn't make out exactly what Jack was saying as she laughed.

An old man approached me and probably was going to ask me to get him something because of how I'm dressed.

"Excuse me dear, would you--" He asked

"Sorry, I'm not a waitress." I said, snapping slightly.

"You're the little Bishop girl." The man then said.

"Yes, I am." I say, slightly annoyed that I'm recognised that easily

"Armand. Armand Duquesne." Armand says. The name rings a bell in the back of my mind but I can't remember where I've heard it before.

"Ah." I reply because I realise that I won't remember I heard the name anytime soon.

"You used to come to my brownstone for brunch." Armand says, and that's when I remember the name.

"Oh, build your own blintz bar." I say.

Armand splutters and then replies. "Precisely."

Armand pauses for a second and then continues.

"You know, it's unfair. I never looked that good in a tuxedo in my life. I'd appreciate it if you wear something a little more lady-like for the wedding, so we won't be competing."

"What wedding?" I say confused.

"You don't know?" Armand says with a bit of a concerned facial expression. "Eleanor and Jack." Armand scoffs. "Oh! Those secretive little love birds!" And before Armand can continue a waiter comes up to us.

"Can I offer you some champagne?" The waiter asks as Armand puts his glass on the tray the waiter was carrying.

"Thank you." Armand says and takes another glass of champagne.

"Believe me, I've done everything in my power to talk him out of it. When he gets something set in that little mind of his, he can be quite determined." Armand says.

"Oh." I say. "Seems like he won the jackpot."

"You think so?" Armand asks. "So does he. I'm not so sure."

After that a small boy comes up to us in a tux and says to Armand, "Armand, I wanna go home. I'm bored."

Armand looks down at the boy and replies. "That's no way to talk, Armand. That's not the way you were brought up. Come and say hello to Miss Bishop."

"Hey." The younger boy named Armand says to me.

"Hello." I reply." Another Armand, I see."

The older Armand replies to what I said.

"Yes. I'm Armand the third and he's Armand the seventh. I believe that's quite sufficient. " Armand the third says indicating that the boys in front of me was Armand the seventh.

"Well, uh, I'm gonna make my excuses because it seems that you need to have a chat with your prize of a mother." Armand the third says and then continues. "Come on, Armand. Come on, boy!" And he takes Armand the seventh away.

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