(3) Self Care??

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Ghiaccio POV

"Ghiaccio, make sure she doesn't cry too loudly that she'll wake up everyone in the base. Also, don't deny her if she ask for things such as food, water, and comfort, we want her to be as relaxed as possible." Risotto told me as Melone left out the chamber, holding her. I wouldn't deny her anything unless it's something inappropriate. "Yes Risotto." I left the chamber and walked behind Melone.

"Is she asleep right now?" I asked, "I didn't hear her sobs so I'm guessing she is." Melone answered me, "Thankfully, when we asked her questions it looked like she was on the brink of passing out."

Thank God, I don't want her to stress out too much. "Good, where are you going to place her while she wakes up?" "I'm going to place her in your room, should I place her on your couch or your bed?" Melone asked. "You can place her on my bed, I want her to get comfortable."

Melone soon left, I plopped down on the couch grunting. "Are you sure you'll be able to take care of a traumatized 12 year old female? After all she hasn't even gotten her period yet so that'll be another obstacle for you." Prosciutto said plainly to me, "That's true... I should probably go shopping for her basic needs and stuff that might help her heal. Poor girl." I didn't want it to sound like I was her parent! Just a caregiver and not anything like that.

"Her trauma is another thing you'll have to take care of, I can't help but feel bad for her. Also, when we were interrogating her, she was nonstop scratching herself and pulling her hair. That may be a habit she's developed." Prosciutto added in.

I sighed, "I want the best for her from now on, I have a mission in 3 hours so I hope that I will be able to see her awake." I thought to myself. I got up from the couch and headed to my room. I opened my door and was greeted by a soft voice, I assumed it was Melone telling Y/N about why she was here. I walked over to my bed and told him that I could take care of the rest.

Melone nodded and walked over to me "I got her to tell me of all what happened to her in the past, I also taught her everyone's names." Melone whispered in my ear, I just gave him a simple nod and he left. "Hi Y/N, how are you feeling?" I asked her.

"I-I'm feeling okay... I don't feel the best though." She answered with a low sad voice. "Well Y/N, are you hungry or anything? I promise I won't get mad a-" before I could finish my sentence tears formed into her eyes, oh no.. did I do something wrong? "NO!!" I was shocked by her sudden outburst, oh no, how do I comfort her? Hugs? No, she might hate those.

"Hey hey hey calm down please. I'm not going to get mad at you, I just want a yes or a no. Are you hungry?" I tried to calm her down, it seemed to be working, good. She didn't say yes or no but she nodded yes instead. "Maybe she doesn't talk that much?" I said in my mind. "Ok then, let's go to the kitchen and find what you want!" I tried to lighten the mood.

We reached our destination and I opened the pantry, "Hmm hot Cheetos, Sour patch kids, anddd Prosciuttos gummy bears." I thought to myself. "What do you want out of these 3 items Y/N?" I asked her. "I want the gummy bears please!" She's polite. "But these are Prosciuttos gummy bears... oh well he'll get through it!" I whispered.

"Here you go!" I gave her the gummy bears, a smile spread on her face as she took the snack from me. "Well now that you have a snack, do you want something to drink? Your throat is sore." Her smile somewhat dropped as she nodded her head. Suddenly, Illuso entered the kitchen. "Hello Ghiaccio, hi Y/N." Illuso pronounced. Y/N's face formed into a scared one.

Was she scared of Illuso? I mean he is tall and his figure is.. strange. Y/N raced to hide behind me with her head poking out just a tiny bit. "Huh? Is she scared of me or something? Also, why does she have Prosciuttos snack, you know he's gonna be screaming more than you when he finds out." "She has it because she was hungry, she didn't want any other snack so I just let her. He'll get over it anyways."

Y/N tugged in my pants and told me she wanted to go back to my room. I let her go by herself because I was going to rest in the living room. "I'm still wondering, how did her parents fall for the agency's scheme, Melone did some research on the agency and it looks so unbelievable." Illuso added in. "He also said that the agency is near us. I want to go check it out."

In all honesty, I do to so I. But at the same time I don't want to see all those kids tied up getting abused. "Maybe, I'm going check on Y/N I'll be right back." I left and headed to my room. I twisted the knob and opened the door.




The room was covered with a hot gooey maroon substance. "Uhh GUYS!? COME SEE THIS!!" I yelled, instantly everyone came standing outside the room. "Y/N, what is this?" Risotto asked calmly, how could he keep his cool at a time like this?! Y/N didn't answer instead she was just breathing heavily with wide eyes.

"I don't know how to stop this!" Y/N started to shake, a lot. "You guys want to take advantage of me and use me! I can't- don't come near me!" We need to get her to calm down before something bad happens. "Man in the Mirror!" Illuso called out his stand. Good.

Illuso got to a mirror in my room and went in it, he grabbed Y/N and pulled her into the mirror realm. Pesci ran to set up a mirror by us so he could exit by us. He managed to pick her up and push her back into the real world. "I'm so sorry..." she apologized to us for no reason. "No need to apologize, you couldn't control that... What was it? What made that appear? We need answers now." Risottos tone changed with the last question, it made her flinch.

"Umm, I think what made that happen was what was on the tv.. look, it's broken." Pesci pointed to my TV. It's broken.. she broke my expensive TV! "YOU BROKE MY TV?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I couldn't control my outburst as I yelled at her. It was idiotic of her to do this. I know it wasn't her fault but I was still mad. "I-I-I didn't mean to!" She tried to defend her actions.

"WELL LOOK WHAT YOU DID!! THERE COULD'VE BEEN MANY WAYS TO PREVENT THIS. YOU SHOULD'VE CONTROLLED WHATEVER THAT WAS AND THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN. BUT NO!!" I yelled louder. She started to cry silently as her head lowered. "Ok Ghiaccio that's eno-" Melone tried to stop me from reprimanding her but it didn't work.

I yelled at her for the last time, "YOU GOD USLESS KID GO SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN MY ROOM YOU'RE BANNED FOR- UGHH JUST GO!!!" Y/N scurried off to somewhere in the base. I took a deep breath before speaking again. "I'm going get ready for the mission." Why do I feel bad all of a sudden?


I didn't want to be yelled at anymore so I left to the living room of the base. I didn't want to get kidnapped by these random buff guys, but somehow they made me feel comforted. I felt like hiding away from them so I hid behind a couch that wasn't facing any doors. "Y/N? Where are you? It's just me Pesci." It's Pesci! Pesci is someone I wanted to see at the moment so I got up and ran over to him. I hugged him, I wanted to cry but I couldn't.

"How are you feeling? Ghiaccio did go hard on you and you were crying." "I'm okay right now.. I don't want to see anyone else right now. I'm tired.." I trailed off. "Well, we have 12 hours of the day left so why not... have a "self care day?" Pesci suggested. "Whats a self care day?" I asked, what in the world is a self care day? "It's a day where you just relax and take care of yourself!" Pesci explained to me.

"We can go food shopping and buy some snacks, we can get under the covers and-... we can get blankets and watch movies in my room!" Pesci stopped on his first sentence.. he must've thought the 'under the covers' part was worded wrong.. oh well! "I would love to do that! But.. what clothes will I wear? I've been lounging in a blanket and these stinky rags forever!" "Don't worry about that! I've already talked to Formaggio and he will take care of you while I go shopping for your clothes!"

I nodded and he waved me a goodbye as he shut the base door. I walked to the kitchen and I saw Formaggio. "Hi Y/N, just to let you know, my room is not a play palace for you but that doesn't mean you can't play in there. We also need to have a talk about what happened to you because if I don't know I can't help you." Formaggio said. I just nodded as I went into a room with his name on it.

"Let's get to talking first."

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