Ch 11 - Azazel's Deal

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The ghost demon sighed as he flew into an alley. He landed on the ground and placed both hands on the wall of the dead end, saying in a demonic voice

افتح يا أبواب الجحيم!هو أنا عزازيل!

A Hell void appeared as the demon entered. He sighed and walked towards the hall. He noticed many demons were fighting or doing dark magic

He was not like them. He was not full of greed, evil, nor death wish. He found a bar and sat as he ordered a drink

"Azazel! Long time no see!" a demon said gleefully as Azazel groaned, "Hey, Aku." Aku used to be Azazel's friend, but things changed

Aku: Where have you been? I missed you!

Azazel: And I have not! So fuck off!

Aku: What's with the attitude?

Azazel: Nothing. *to demon bartender* Thanks

Aku: Listen, I'm sorry for what happened in the past

Azazel: The past was the past

Aku: Is there something changing you? Or have you been living in the human realm?

Azazel: What does it matter?

Aku: You've been hanging out with the human named Clay. He was supposed to be -

Azazel hissed and grabbed Aku's neck. "Never speak of him! I chose him and you're not allowed to go near him!!"

A rule for demons, when they claim a human, they're with them forever. That is if they make a deal, then they can swap humans, other than that, if claimed, they must be left alone

Aku gasped, "Jeez! Have you gotten attached to your human?! What is wrong with you?!" Azazel just ignored him and walked away

He walked through the maze of tunnels and found his room. He covered the hole and was reading through some documents

Azazel noticed the golden paper document and sighed, "It was my fault Clay got into this mess, not his."

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