Ch 12 - A Date With Clay

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George was looking at himself in the mirror and messed his hair a bit. He was wearing his usual comfortable clothing, but a little more casual

He wanted to help Clay, but his idea will soon be a regret. For one, there's Dream, who kills anyone who gets near him, and then, make Clay worse during school

George sighed as he walked out and noticed Clay sitting under a tree. The brunette sighed and walked towards the blonde

"Umm, Clay?" he shook him as Clay groaned, "Really, Nick?" He jolted when he noticed it was George. "George! Hi! Umm, what are you doing here?"

"I want to...ask' go" George was very worried and regretted his question

Clay's reaction was him screaming happily, "GEORGE!? YOU AND ME?!?! ON A DATE?!?! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!"

Clay was dancing around and telling everyone. They looked at him as if he were lying, but George's expression said otherwise

"YOU ASKED HIM OUT?!?!" Nick was upset as George scoffed, "Yeah! I'm doing it to make him happy because he was acting different."

Nick grabbed George's arm and took him into the janitor's closet. He rubbed his arm as Nick was making sure Clay was nowhere in sight

Nick: Why did you ask him out?

George: I told you! He's acting weird! I'm going to lift his mood up!

Nick: By lying and cheating!?

George: Yeah?

Nick: I've known Clay since he started elementary. If you break his heart, you're dead!

George: It's not like I'm playing with his feeling!

Nick: You are if your plan does not go what you expect! It can go up or downhill!

George: Trust me!

Nick: Just be careful. If you mess this up, you're going to experience quite a hell of a time

Nick walked out as George watched Nick turn and make the sign 'I got my eyes on you'. He found Clay walking out from the restroom and he bounced up to the brunette

"So, where will we go out?" The blonde asks excitedly as George stuttered and looked through his phone for a place

"How about a cafe?" he asks nervously. Clay beamed, "I love coffee! Which cafe?" George looked at the various locations and chose the one near his house, "Muffin Cafe."

"At Darryl's place? Sure! See you there!" Clay waves goodbye and finds Darryl, the owner of the cafe and tells him about George

"OH MY GOODNESS! I'LL PREPARE EVERYTHING AFTER SCHOOL!" Darryl and Clay jumped up and down as George sighed

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