{Chapter Seven}

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As Antwan pushes through the doors as he grunts and shouts. "He's dead! You hear me?" Everyone looks at him as Y/N and Keys roll over on their chairs to see what's happening. "The guy, put him up here. Put him up here on the screen. Put him on the screen. Make me see him. There he is. Yes. There he is, the little do-gooder."

"I thought you liked Blue Shirt." Mouser stated.

"Honestly the same." Y/N agreed.

"Don't say words to me!" He points towards Y/N and Mouser as Y/N and Keys stand up from their chairs. "People are so busy watching this loser on Twitch and YouTube. You know what they're not doing, guys? Buying Free City 2. Pre-sales are down 16%."


"60. That's bad." Antwan mumbles. "Oh, we are 48 hours from launch."

"Yeah, he's gone viral." Keys disclosed.

"It's a good thing isn't it?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah, a virus that's giving me ass and ball cancer at the same time!"

"I did not need to hear that. Honestly that's just digusting." Y/N sighed putting their hand to their head.

"Inoperable!" Antwan sighed. "You know, this whole good guy routine... It is a bad influence and is bad for the franchise. I want him gone. I don't care who it is, boot him."

"You can't boot, Guy," Y/N utters.

"Oh, I'm sorry, what?" Antwan wonders as he walks over towards Y/N.

"You can't boot him." Y/N put their hand on their temple.

"Why not?"

"Because he's not a hacker, Antwan. He's an NPC." Keys stepped in.

"You're tryin' to tell me that all this shit about a self-aware NPC is real?"

"It's real, what don't you get from us telling you!?"

"Yeah. We don't know how or why, but he's real." Keys asserts as Y/N nods.

"What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?" Antwan sits down doing something like Meditation. "Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay." Y/N and Keys watch him as well as everyone else. "What to do? What to do? Got it." He says as he grunts trying to get up and eventually just helps himself up. "So we can't kick him out of the game. How do we reset his AI? Ideas, people. Come on. Hit me. Ideas." He questions as Y/N and Keys shake their heads.

"You could just reboot the server." Mouser pipes up.

"What! No! Mouser!" Y/N glared at him as they rolled their eyes annoyed once again with him before he walked to Antwan who clapped.

"If we reboot the server... then he's just gonna revert back to a regular non-player guy." Mouser described.


"Antwan... don't..." Y/N speaks before Keys speaks up.

"Antwan, you're talking about terminating... the first confirmed artificially intelligent life-form right now, okay?" Keys added.

Antwan went up to the two. "Honey, honey. Shush." He says as he shushes them both.

"He's losing me money. So, I don't care if he's Arnold-Frickin Schwarzen-Vader. Terminate him. Reboot."

"On it," Mouser speaks as Y/N looks back at him.

"Mouser you can't do that," Y/N assures him.

"You can't do that." Keys added on.

"Reboot!" Antwan orders Mouser as Mouser works on it.

"Mouser please please don't do this! This is important shit we are dealing with!" Y/N told him truthfully.

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