Chapter 22: Aftermath (Lukanette moment)

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Marinette POV

A week passed by ever since the events of Mr Butterfly and Lady Peacock. Adrien, Lila and Damocles along with the mercenaries have been arrested and sentenced 8 years for life. Lila's former supporters were given leeway and are due to leave within 2 months. Ivan wrote to me saying after he's been released from prison, he'll move to a different school in Scotland with Mylene and Kim. Though, I haven't heard from Nathanial and Marc. 

After school, I went to Passerelle des Arts to stare at the River Seine, enjoying the cold wind. 

"Enjoying yourself, Melody?" Luka said behind me.

I looked back and smirked.

"Yeah." I replied.

Luka stood next to me and sighed.

"So, Master Fu said I'm officially the new Chat Noir. Ah, I mean Shadow Jaguar." Luka said.

"I was hoping you might. I kinda preferred you to Chat Noir." I said, snuggling into his chest.

"Oh? I thought you liked him." Luka chuckled.

I nodded sadly.

"I liked Adrien. Chat Noir was a friend. After I found out that they are the same person, and Adrien told me to take the high road, I guess I realised he's no friend of mine. Not to mention Chat Noir stopped visiting my balcony and visited Lila, who probably found out that Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir and kept it a secret." I said.

"Do you miss him?" Luka asked.

"No. Not anymore. I have friends who I can count on. And a caring boyfriend." I said.

"Likewise, Mari. Still, your parents were shocked by the fact that their daughter is Ladybug." Luka said.

"Yeah. But that didn't stop them from supporting me. After all, I'm their daughter." I said with a smile.

"And Paris, no the whole of France, needs Ladybug. And her team of superheroes." Luka said.

"Yeah. But first, let's enjoy this moment." I said.

Luka nodded and kissed me.

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